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Asset Explorer_user

Use the Asset Explorer to browse and filter assets of your database. It combines filter functionalities of the Quick search and the Detailed search in one page.


The Asset Explorer is available in the Side navigation of censhare Web.


The Asset Explorer allows you to browse and filter assets of your database. Unlike the Quick search or the Detailed search, you do not have to enter a Search term first. If you open the Asset explorer page, the list shows all assets in the database which you have permission to see. Start browsing by applying filters from the filter bar or entering a free-text filter.

Browse assets

To open the Asset explorer, click Explorer in the Side navigation:

The Asset explorer page shows a filter bar (1), a free text filter field (2) and sort/view options (3).

Apply filters

See Asset list filters.

Default filters

The following table contains the default filters of the Asset explorer. Depending on the configuration of your system, there can be other filters available.





Image / *

Hierarchical filter of asset types. Use the wildcard filter for asset types including their subtypes.

Rating average


Calculated average of user rankings of an asset.


Root / China

Hierarchical filter of main domains.

2nd domain

Root / Website / Asia-Pacific

Hierarchical filter of secondary domains.



The workflow assigned to an asset. Workflow and workflow step are dependent properties. If you select a workflow first, only workflow steps in the selected workflow are shown as filter items.

Workflow step


The current workflow step of an asset. Workflow and workflow step are dependent properties. If you do not filter a workflow, the workflow step filter shows items that belong to all available worklfows. Select a workflow first to show only workflow steps in the selected workflow.

Workflow target

John Doe

Person or group resource assigned to an asset. The workflow target is part of a workflow, but can be assigned without a workflow and workflow step.



Internal categorization of an asset (Note: This is not identical with the Product categories of a PIM system).

Mime type


The Mime type refers to the file stored in an asset. Assets without a file do not have a Mime type.


Once you have filtered the desired assets, you can apply the view and sort option to the list, or show the details of selected assets.

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