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Customize the Create asset dialog

The Create asset dialog is available in the Top navigation. The dialog allows users to create new assets from scratch, from a template, or with a file upload. You can configure, which of these options are available in a workspace.

Target groups

Solution developers


You configure the Create asset dialog Workspace tab of the System asset.




The Create asset dialog, in the Top navigation of censhare Web, offers different ways for users to create new assets. To create a new asset from scratch, users require a basic understanding of asset types and asset properties in censhare. Asset templates provide a more convenient way to create new assets or asset structures (multiple related assets) with predefined properties. Users can also upload files to create assets. If a MIME type mapping for the uploaded file exists, censhare automatically selects the corresponding asset type for the uploaded file.

To control, which of the above options are available to a user, configure the Create assetdialog in your workspace templates. Users that inherit the workspace template for their personal workspace, also inherit the configuration of the Create asset dialog.

Key steps

  • Configure the workspace template

  • Reset user workspaces


Configure the workspace template

  1. Open the System asset and go to the Workspaces tab.

  2. Select and open the workspace you want to configure on the Workspace templates widget of the Workspaces tab.

  3. Go to the Configuration tab of the desired Workspace and edit the configuration widget.

  4. To enable a disabled tab, select the disabled tab in the left column and move it to the right column.

  5. To disable an enabled tab, select the enabled tab from the right column and move it to the left column.

  6. Use the Sort up and Sort down arrows to put the tabs in the order you want them to appear in the dialog (the top item appears at the left).

  7. Click OK to close the dialog. The changes are saved automatically in the workspace.

Reset user workspaces

Changes in a workspace template are not immediately effective in the workspace of existing users. To apply the changes, users must reset their workspace. Each user can do this in their account:

  1. Open the user menu in the top navigation.

  2. Select Reset workspace.

  3. To confirm, click OK.

  4. Log out from censhare and log in again.

To force all users to apply the changes, delete all existing user workspace assets from the system. This deletion forces censhare to rebuild the user workspace from the workspace template the next time a user logs in.

Deleting a user workspace resets all individual customizations users have made to their workspaces!


The Create asset dialog shows the customized tabs and tab order.

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