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Erich and manage assets - SysAdmin

Asset metadata

Asset metadata store details about an asset that identify and help users to manage it. General details of the asset are stored as properties. For example, the name, type, change dates, or the domains to which the asset belongs. Other information that is stored depends on the specific type of asset. For example, the properties of an image asset provide details on the resolution, format, and color space of the image.

In the censhare Admin Client, asset metadata are called features.

In censhare Web, we use the term asset properties.

Both terms mean the same.

Asset relations

Besides assets and asset metadata, relationships are the second fundamental concept in censhare to model the real world. Assets can be linked to each other in multiple ways that make it easy for users to find, sort, and work with them. 

For example, a magazine consists of multiple layout pages, articles, images and advertisements. All these elements are stored as assets. With relations, users can link them with each other. Learn how to configure different types of relationships for assets.

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