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Integrations - SysAdmin

censhare provides integrations for Social Media management, Google Cloud AI, Acrolinx and Adobe. 

Social media management

With the social media integration, users can manage social media activities entirely in censhare Web. The Social Media service orchestrates multiple channels in several social networks. Users receive feedback on user engagement directly in censhare Web.

Google Cloud AI

censhare uses Google Cloud AI services to analyze texts, images, and videos.

  • Google Cloud Natural Language
  • Google Video AI
  • Google Vision AI

Acrolinx for content editing

Acrolinx is a platform that uses artificial intelligence for real-time content analyses. The Acrolinx integration makes the content guidelines that you define in Acrolinx available in the Content Editor of censhare Web. 

Adobe integrations

For Adobe InDesign and InCopy integrations, see Print and publication management.

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