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Interactive previews of 3D models_user

censhare Web renders interactive previews of 3D models. View the models in 360° panoramas and explore their environment.


The Preview is available on the Overview tab of a 3D model asset page in censhare Web.


  • An Assigned preview widget and a properly configured Preview widget on the 3D model asset type page is required. Your administrator takes care of this.

  • Interactive 3D model previews are currently supported with censhare Web in the Google Chrome browser.


For 3D model files, censhare Web renders interactive previews for the most common and relevant file formats. See supported formats. For these file formats, you can move and rotate an object to view it from different positions or zoom into it to view it in different sizes. You can adjust the background. You can display the wireframe model.

For other file formats, more basic preview options are available. You can rotate a model and view it in a separate browser tab.

You can access the available preview options from the toolbar of the Preview widget.

Upload 3D model files

To upload a 3D model file or 3D model ZIP file, drag-and-drop the file to any drop zone in censhare Web.

In most cases, censhare recogonizes the MIME type automatically and stores the file as a 3D model asset in censhare. The interactive preview is then available by default.

Prepare zipped 3D model files for preview

Some 3D model files are stored in ZIP files. The ZIP file contains the actual 3D model file (the wireframe), and additional texture and color information in separate files. If the interactive preview is not rendered automatically after upload, do the following:

  1. Open the asset that is created after you upload the ZIP file.

  2. On the Details tab of the asset page, edit the Status properties: In the Type field, select 3D model and click OK. 

The preview of the 3D model displays on the Overview tab.

Preview actions

Note: The following preview actions are available for the supported formats. With other 3D file formats, more basic preview options are available.

  • Zoom preview

    Use the scroll bar of your mouse to zoom in and out of a preview.

  • Move and rotate preview

    1. Click and hold the preview.

    2. Move the mouse to view the model from different angles and positions.

    3. To reset the position, click Reset camera position  

        from the toolbar.

    Note: For some file formats that only support basic preview options, the reset option is not available. Reset the preview manually.

  • Switch background

    Click Toggle dark mode  

    , to switch between a dark and light background.

  • Display wireframe of model

    To display the wireframe of the model, click Toggle model wireframe

      from the toolbar.

  • Create preview snapshot

    Click Create preview snapshot from current position

    . This creates a new asset with the snapshot you took. You can use the asset to your needs.

    For this snapshot, the resolution is 1024 pixel width and the height is calculated based on the aspect ratio of the preview widget.

  • View in full-screen or in separate browser tab

    To preview a 3D model in fullscreen, click Fullscreen preview


    To open the preview on a new page, click Preview icon or

    . The available icon depends on the file format of the 3D model.

View model in 360° panorama

Experience the full 3D environment of a model with the 360° panorama view.

  1. On the toolbar, from the Select 3D panorama drop-down, select a panorama.

  2. Click and drag your cursor in the preview to move all around in the environment of the 3D model.

Note: If the selection box is empty, no panorama view is available. You can upload a panorama if you wish.

Upload 360° panorama files

  1. From the Top navigation, select Create asset > New asset.

  2. In the Create asset dialog, under Asset type, select Image/Panorama.

  3. Under Categories, select 3D Preview Panorama.

  4. Enter a name and any other properties to your needs.

  5. Click OK. The asset is created and opens in an asset page.

  6. On the Files widget, click to add the file that contains the panorama. The file type for panoramic views is HDR (High Dynamic Range Image).

  7. Select the HDR file of your choice from your computer or drag it onto the Files widget. The preview on the asset page now shows the panorama.

  8. Switch to the 3D model asset of your choice.

The panorama is now available for selection in the 3D panorama drop-down.

Creating Panorama assets by just uploading an HDR file is not supported in this case.

Supported file formats for interactive previews

3D model files

3DS: 3D Studio Scene

3MF: 3D Manufacturing File

AMF: Additive Manufacturing File
Note: for panorama preview, supports only color textures that are described in the file

AWD: Away3D Document
Note: some difficulties with internally compressed data

Babylon: Babylon File

DAE: COLLADA Exchange File

FBX: Autodesk FBX Interchange File

GLB: GL Transmission Format (Binary)

GLTF: GL Transmission Format (JSON)
Note: only zipped files supported, no data in *.gltf, it provides the description only

OBJ: Wavefront 3D Object File

STL: Stereolithography File

3D panorama files

HDR High Dynamic Range Image file


You know how to work with interactive 3D model previews.

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