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Manage Content

The Content page is your newsroom in censhare, where you create and publish the content for your channels, execute campaigns, and manage topics and categories.


Publication management, Content management


For online publications, an Online channel must be configured. Online channels are not part of the content management.


In the Side navigation, the Content page is censhare's newsroom for media production in all your channels.

censhare uses an asset-based content model that comprises the following assets and asset structures:




In censhare, content is organized in articles. Article assets are the containers of the text assets that store the content in a specific language as XML. You can add as many text assets (languages) as you like in an article.
As a content editor, you can store metadata such as release date, author and keywords in an article asset.
As a content manager, you can add articles to a campaign, subject, category or channel.


Stores an XML file with the content in one language.
As a content editor, you edit a text asset if you write or review content.


Subjects are used to organize content. Other than content categories, subjects are conceived as part of a campaign.
As a content manager, build subjects by assigning articles to a subject asset.


With channels, you orchestrate your campaigns. Typically, campaigns are designed for online, mobile, social media and print channels. You can add a greater diversification if necessary. For example, create channels for different print magazines, catalogs and formats, or create different online channels for multiple websites.
As a campaign manager, you assign the channels that are covered with a campaign to the campaign asset.


Campaigns are the top-level asset of your media planning. Campaigns can be designed for a specific channel, or as multi-channel. Campaigns can be created to launch a new product, or be periodical (for example, a Christmas campaign). As a marketing manager, you can plan your campaigns in a calendar, assign budgets, teams, channels and subjects to it.

Overview tab


The Newsroom column at the left side of the Content page shows a list of channels and subjects. In the table columns, you see deadlines and workflow information of the respective channels and subjects. Channels can be expanded to show sub-channels. Subjects can be expanded to show articles that are assigned to them.

You can do the following:

  • Filter the list by type: Select the desired asset type from the Type list.

  • Search for an asset: Enter the name of the channel, content category, or subject in the Filter results field.

  • Expand an item: Click to display the assigned articles and media assets.

  • Open an item: To view more details and edit an item, double-click it. The asset opens in a new page.


The Articles view in the right column of the Content page shows a list of all articles and their content (text assets). You can do the following:

  • Filter the list: By default, the list displays only articles that you created. To display all articles in the database, select Created by All. In the Asset category filter, select the desired category.

  • Search for an article: Enter the name of an article in the Filter results field to show only the matching results.

  • Access an article: To view more details and edit an article, double-click it. The article opens in a new asset page. For more information, see Content editor.

  • Edit content: Double-click the desired text asset below the respective article. The text asset opens in a new page with the Content editor. For more information, see Content editor


The Layouts view in the right column of the Content page shows a list of all layouts and placed images, graphics and texts. You can do the following:

  • Filter the list: By default, the list displays only articles that you created. To display all articles in the database, select Created by All. In the Asset category filter, select the desired category.

  • Search for a layout: Enter the name of an article in the Filter results field to show only the matching results.

  • Access a layout: To view more details and edit a layout, double-click it. The layout opens in a new asset page.

  • Access placed assets: To show placed assets, click ► next to a layout asset. Double-click the desired asset to open it in a new asset page. The list shows images, ads, graphics (Illustrator), texts (InCopy and XML).


The Issues view in the right column of the Content page shows a list of all issues and placed assets. You can do the following:

  • Filter the list: By default, the list displays only articles that you created. To display all articles in the database, select Created by All. In the Asset category filter, select the desired category.

  • Search for an issue: Enter the name of an article in the Filter results field to show only the matching results.

  • Open and edit an issue: To view more details and edit an issue, double-click it. The issue opens in a new asset page.

  • Access placed assets: To show placed assets, click ► next to a layout asset. Double-click the desired asset to open it in a new asset page. The list shows layout snippets, ads and images.


The Documents view in the right column of the Content page shows a list of documents that were uploaded into the database. You can do the following:

  • Filter the list: By default, the list displays only articles that you uploaded. To display all articles in the database, select Created by All. In the Type filter, select the desired document type. The list shows spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel), presentations (Microsoft Powerpoint) and PDF documents. In the Asset category filter, select the desired category.

  • Search for an issue: Enter the name of an article in the Filter results field to show only the matching results.

  • Access a document: To preview a document, double-click it. The document opens in a new asset page. To download the file, go to the Files widget and download the Master file.

Status tab

Workflow view

The Workflow view shows a Kanban board with the asset status of your articles. You change the status of an article by dragging and dropping it from one column to another in the board. For more information, see Kanban board - manage publication cycles.

Quality view

Quality gates represent a sequence of quality levels that show you the completeness and readiness of your articles in production and for publication. For more information, see Working with quality gates.

Performance tab

The Performance tab shows three charts:

  • Top 10 subjects: The best performing subjects in all your channels.

  • Top 10 article views: The most read articles in all your channels.

  • Top 10 authors: The most read authors in all your channels.


You know how to view, expand and access assets in the different views of the Content page. You know how to edit content, assign channels, content categories, and subjects. You know how to manage the status of articles.

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