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The Media page shows images, 3D models, video and audio files that are uploaded in your system. Preview and access the media assets from this page. Check the status and usage of your media assets. Manage keywords that are used to tag your media assets.

Target groups


Solution administrators


In the Side navigation, the Media page is your entry point to manage media assets that can be used in campaigns and published in your channels, portals, or exported in product catalogs and other outputs.

The Media page shows all available media assets. You can filter by usage, change the status, or add keywords to the media assets. In censhare, the following media asset types are available:

Media asset



Product information (catalogs, websites), digital and print campaigns, social media, web shops.


Digital campaigns, hero products, testimonials, social media.


Podcasts, product information, social media.

3D model

Product information (catalogs, websites).

In your publication and product management, you can use media assets in manifold ways:

  • Assign images, videos, or 3D models to a product

  • Assign media assets to a campaign, to a channel, or to a subject

  • Place media assets in an article for online publications

  • Place media assets in a layout for print publications

Key steps

Overview tab

The Overview tab of the Media page provides previews of media assets. For your convenience, only assets in a certain workflow state are displayed at a time:

  • All media in planning

  • All media in production

  • All media in approval

  • All published media

  • All completed media

The workflow states are also shown in the Kanban board of the Status tab and can be changed there.

By default, media asset that have no preview assigned also display in the overview with a placeholder icon. For images, videos and 3D model, censhare automatically creates a preview. Audio files do not have a default preview image. If you only want to see assets with a preview, click Hide files without preview at the top right.

When you move the cursor over a preview image, the generic and workflow properties of the asset display in an overlay. To get more details, or to edit the asset, double click the preview image. The asset opens in a new page.

Status tab

Workflow view

The Workflow view shows a Kanban board with the asset status of your media assets. You can change the status by dragging and dropping an asset from one column to another in the board. For more information, see Kanban board - manage publication cycles.

Quality view

Quality gates represent a sequence of quality levels that show you at a glance the completeness and readiness of your media assets in publication and production cycles. For more information, see Quality gates_user.

Keywords tab

The Keywords tab shows a table with a list of keywords. Below each keyword, the media assets display that were tagged with this keyword. In censhare, keywords are assets. When you tag a media asset with a keyword, censhare creates an asset reference between the two. The table represents these references. The terms tagging and creating a keyword reference are used synonymously.

The table also shows workflow steps and the language of the tagged media assets in separate columns.

In the Keywords table, you can do the following:

  • Filter keywords: Use the Created by field to filter keywords that you created. Use the Filter results field to enter a name and search for a specific keyword.

  • Tag or untag a media asset: Tagging and untagging can be done either in the keyword asset or in the media asset. Double-click the desired asset to open it. In the keyword asset, use the References widget to add or remove a media asset. In a media asset, use the Keywords widget to add a keyword to the asset or remove a keyword from it.


You know how to preview, browse and open a media asset. You know how to manage the status of a media asset. You know how to tag or untag media assets with keywords.

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