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Prepare Text assets for translation_user


Supported MIME types of Text assets that can be used in translations are XML and ICML.

Prepare XML-based Text assets

XML-based Text assets contain an XML master file with structured content. censhare stores each language in a separate text asset. The source language file must be the parent asset of target language files in a Variant with update flag relation.

For example, the standard Article template contains two child text assets. One of them is the source asset. The source language depends on your system configuration. Before you start a translation, edit the source asset and save it. The content of the source asset is then copied to the target asset.

In the target asset, censhare automatically sets the attributes "Source language" and "Target language". The source and target language attributes are required for the translation. If you want to translate a text asset into multiple target languages, you need a template with one target asset for each language.

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