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Print and publication management_user

Page planning

censhare integrates page planning for magazines and catalogs with flatplans.

Flatplans in censhare Web allow you to work with a visual representation of all the pages in your publication. Use the powerful range of options that the flatplan offers to arrange, review, and successfully produce even highly complex catalogs, magazines, or newsletters. Dynamically-updated page previews, strong integration with Adobe InDesign, and numerous collaboration options help you optimize your content placement and workflows.

Print and publication

The integration of Adobe into censhare simplifies your entire publishing and print process.

censhare enables the rapid placement of complete asset structures such as products or articles in an Adobe InDesign layout area.

Different information about a product is automatically placed in the various fields and boxes of an Adobe InDesign layout with a single mouse click. If, for example, a product asset structure is dragged into a layout area, censhare automatically places images, text and tables in the right places in the layout area. The necessary data is collected in an asset structure. This allows the data to be collected and modified centrally. The asset search enables the precise selection of one or more assets within an asset structure. 

censhare uses XML as the central format for transforming and processing content. Content is converted into XML and then transformed into the output format. Content is converted in various formats to ICML for placement in Adobe InDesign.

Adobe InDesign

censhare Web offers full Adobe InDesign integration to manage your layouts.

Edit layouts that you created with Adobe®InDesign® in the censhare Editor for Adobe InDesign documents.

Adobe InCopy

Edit the copy that you created in Adobe® InCopy® directly in censhare Web.

The Editor for Adobe InCopy documents allows you to create and edit Adobe InCopy texts (ICML format). It does not matter whether the your copy is placed in an InDesign layout or not. You do not need to install Adobe InCopy on your computer to use the Editor for Adobe InCopy documents.

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