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Release notes

Use the release notes to keep up with our latest releases. 

The release notes provide the list of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues for major and minor censhare releases. 

Release notes are updated with each new release, but may be delayed by a few days.

Please note: censhare GmbH takes no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the release notes in these excel files. In case of doubt, please refer to the original release note files published with the client packages or get in touch with your contact at censhare.

Download release notes

Download the release notes from here. An Excel document consolidates the release notes of a major release version and all minor releases of that version.


Release summary

You find the release summary in the censhare Product Portal.

Release information

Product Lifecycle

For product lifecycle information, see the censhare Product Portal.

Product information

Deprecations and changes

InCopy Editor know issue

InCopy Editor new functionality and bug fixes won‘t be downported for censhare versions below 2021.1.

Know issues for censhare Web are:

  • In a list, the input cursor appears before the list after adding a new item and not at the end of it.
  • In Safari, after inserting a chunk of text, all text below it disappears.
  • After copy-pasting of multiple paragraphs from Microsoft Word to an ICML asset, the paragraph style in InCopyEditor is maintained only for the first pasted paragraph, but not for the rest.
  • After copy-pasting of multiple paragraphs from Microsoft Word to an ICML asset and after a consequent saving and/or switching  of the tabs, the text after the pasted chunk will be lost.
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