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Store, share and manage searches_user

Save your searches in censhare Web and share them with other users. Edit or delete the searches that you save at any time.

Target groups

Solution developers


You can save and repeat any search in censhare Web.


If you frequently run the same searches in censhare Web, you can store your searches and execute them whenever you want. Searches that you save are available in the "Stored searches" menu of the side navigation.

censhare stores the search query, not the results of a search. When you open a stored search item, censhare executes the search query and shows the current results. If assets are added, removed, or modified between searches, the results of the stored search vary.

By default, stored searches are only visible to the user that creates the search. If desired, you can share a stored search with other users, roles or in other domains. Searches that other users share with you are visible in the "Stored searches" list as well.

When you click the name of a stored search, censhare Web executes the search and a search page that lists the results. Likewise on any search page, you can apply filters to reduce the number of results.

Access and execute a stored search

To access the stored searches, click "Stores searches" in the side navigation. The list of saved and shared searches opens.




Stored searches

Opens a list of searches that are stored and shared on your system currently.

To repeat a search, click the desired search in the list of saved searches. censhare Web executes the search query and lists the results on a search page. On the search page, you can apply filters, adjust the page view, and select how the results are sorted.

Save, update or export a search

To manage a search that you have executed, open the page actions menu on the search page:

To save a search, click the page actions icon (1) in the filter bar (2) of the search page. Select "Save search" or "Update search" from the Actions menu.



Opens a menu of page actions that are available for the current page

The following options are available:

  • Update search: Updates a stored search query. This option is only available if the search is already stored.

  • Save as new search: Saves the current search query and allows you to share the search with other users. If you execute a stored search and select this option, censhare Web saves the search as a new search asset.

  • Export search results: Downloads the results in an XML or Excel file.

Save a search

censhare Web creates a "Search" asset for each search that you save in your stored searches. The search asset contains the search query and defines who can access the search. When you select "Update search" or "Save as new search", the "Save search" dialog opens:



Name (standard)

Defines a name for the search. This name appears in the "Stored searches" menu if no localized name is provided. This field is a mandatory field.

Name (localized)

censhare Web inserts the standard name in the localized name field of your default language automatically. You can edit this entry. To add and define more localized names for the stored search, click the + icon. Enter the desired name and select a language for each entry.

Share this search

Select this checkbox to open options that define how censhare Web shares the search with other users. (1)

Restrict to - For roles and domains, censhare applies and AND logic. All parameters must match. For example, you select the "Administrator" role and "Management" secondary domain. Only users with the Administrator role and permissions in the Management domain see the stored search. (2)

Share with role

Select one or more roles to share the search with. Only users with these roles can see the search in their "Stored searches" menu.

Share in domain

Select a main domain in which you want to share the search. Only users in the selected domain can see the search in their "Stored searches" menu. By default, the default main domain of the current user is preselected. (3)

Share in 2nd domain

Select a secondary domain in which you want to share the search. Only users in the selected domain can see the search in their "Stored searches" menu. By default, the default secondary domain of the current is preselected. (3)

Allow for - If you select individual users, the selected users can always see the stored search, no matter which other restrictions you define. For example, you select the "John Doe", the "Administrator" role and  the "Management" secondary domain. The user "John Doe" sees the stored search even if he is not an administrator and does not have permission for the "Management" domain.

Share with user

Select one or more individual users or groups to share the search with. The selected users and users in the selected groups see the search in their "Stored searches" menu. The "Share with user" settings are independent from the "Share with role" and "Share in domain/2nd domain" settings. (2)

To save your changes and store the search, click SAVE. censhare Web adds the search to your "Stored searches" menu and makes the search available as defined in the "Share search" dialog.


(1) If you share a search, censhare removes the owner attribute and sets the non_owner_access attribute to "0" (full access). Instead, the share-user propertystores the user ID or group ID. If you store the search without sharing, two ownerattributes are stored in the search asset: the current user and the Administrator group. The non_owner_access attibute is set to "2" (restricted access). This makes sure that the search asset can be accessed by an administrator, even if the current user is deactivated or deleted.

(2) The complete logic of the search query is: (Shared Domains permissions AND Shared Roles permissions OR Shared Users permissions) AND Ownership Permissions

(3) The "Share in domain/2nd domain" restrictions are inherited downwards in the domain hierarchy. For example, if a search is shared in the "root." domain, it is also shared in the "root.domain1." and "root.domain.1.domain2." domains, and so on. If a search is shared in the "root.domain1.domain2." domain, it is also shared in the "root.domain1.domain2.domain3." domain, but not in the "root." and "root.domain1." domains.

Define a stored search as start page

You can use a stored search as your start page. When you log in to censhare Web, the defined page displays. For example, you can search for all assets that you have worked on, save the search, and define it as your start page.

In the top navigation, click your user name or user icon to open a menu of actions for your user account.



Opens the user account menu. Note: If you assign a picture to your user profile, the picture replaces the default icon.

To define a start page, select “Preferences” from the user account menu. The User preferences dialog opens. In the “Login” section of the dialog, open the "Start page" drop-down list and select the desired entry from the list. To save your changes and update your start page, click OK.

Delete a stored search

To delete a stored search, open the "Stored searches" menu and point to the menu item that you want to delete. An "x" displays next to the menu item. To delete the search, click the x.

You can only delete searches that you created. You cannot delete searches that other users created and shared with you.

Manage stored searches in the system


To manage the stored searches of other users, the users must set the Non owner access of their stored searches accordingly. This can be done in two ways:

(1) Users can share a stored search by selecting Update search in the action menu. Sharing the search removes the default value "No access for non owners". It does not matter with whom the users share the searches, they can even share a search with themselves to achieve this.

(2) Users can edit Access rights widget in the respective search asset and change the Non owner access from "No access for non owners" to "Full access".

As an administrator, you can edit or delete the stored searches of other users in the system via the Search assets:

  1. Search for the asset type Module / Search and apply more filters if necessary. For example, filter by a user name or domain.

  2. To edit a search, double click the respective asset and edit the desired properties. To edit multiple assets, select the desired assets and one of the following items from the list actions menu:

    • To bulk edit the assets and overwrite properties with the same values, use Edit multiple assets.

    • To edit individual properties per asset, use Edit individual properties.

  3. To delete a search, select Delete from the asset actions menu. To delete multiple assets, select the desired assets and select Delete from the list actions menu.

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