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Upload and edit wizard_user

Create assets from files and define asset properties of the imported files with the Upload & edit wizard. The wizard creates an Import group asset with all assets that are created.


The Upload & edit wizard is available on your Dashboard.


To add media files from your computer to censhare, you can use the Upload & edit wizard from your Dashboard. censhare creates an asset from any file that you upload. In this asset, you can define properties that describe, classify and enrich the asset. For example, add a description and keywords, select a workflow, and assign a user.

The Upload & edit wizard allows you to define general asset properties, keywords, and image properties during the upload. All assets that are created within one upload action, are placed in an Import group asset. Import groups are named with a timestamp and the logged-in user. The naming convention helps you to browse, search and sort Import groups easily.

Note: The Upload & edit wizard is configured for media assets. Note that you cannot upload a folder, but multiple individual files. To upload other files use the standard upload function of censhare. For more information, see Create assets.

Key steps

Start the wizard and select the files to be uploaded

To start the wizard:

  1. Open the Dashboard.

  2. In the quick access widget on the Overview tab, click Upload & edit.

  3. Drag-and-drop the files that you want to upload from your local folder to the drop zone. You can also click into the drop zone to select the files in the file browser window.

  4. Click NEXT.

  5. The Duplicate check checks if the selected file already exist in censhare. If a duplicate is found for one or more files, do one of the following:

    • Use existing one: This is the default option. To keep your system consistent, we recommend that you use the existing assets instead of creating a duplicate.

    • Create new asset: Force censhare to create a new asset from the file. The result are two assets with identical files. This option is not recommended, unless there are plausible reasons why you want to store the same file twice in your system.

    • Ignore asset: This option keeps the existing asset. However, the file is not added to the Import group that censhare creates with this action.

  6. To start the upload, click NEXT.

  7. In the Edit properties step, you can define asset properties of the uploaded files. The dialog shows the following dialog groups:

    • General: Enter a description, select an asset category, content languages, language areas, and optionally a URL and a color. The Name field is pre-filled automatically with the file name. If you upload multiple assets, the field shows Different values. Note that if you enter a name, all created assets have the same name! censhare detects the asset type automatically. Do not change the typesetting, unless you want to specify a sub-type. For example, if censhare detects an image, you can select the asset type Image / Logo. In the Domain fields, censhare selects your working domain. If desired, select a different domain here. For example, store the asset in a Share domain. If you store the asset in a domain to which you have no access, you cannot view or edit the asset later.

    • Workflow: Select a workflow and workflow step, assign a user, set a deadline and write an annotation.

  8. If you upload image files, you can edit additional image metadata in this step:

    • Keywords: Enter a free text keyword, select a keyword hierarchy, or create a keyword reference. 

    • EXIF/IPTC/XMP: censhare detects the image metadata automatically, if present in the uploaded file. You can enter and edit the image metadata in the dialog fields. Note that any value you enter here is used for all uploaded files. To edit the image properties individually, open the assets one by one on an asset page and edit them.

  9. To save the assets and create the Import group, click DONE.

Open the Import group

To access the assets that you imported, open the Last edited list and double-click the latest Import group. To access assets from another import, search for Import group asset types.

The import group name contains the timestamp of the import action and the name of the user who executed the import.


The imported files are available as assets with the respective properties in your system.

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