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Activate logging for the censhare Adobe plugin

Enable the log for the censhare Indesign Plugin and find the log on your local machine.

The screenshots are from macOS. However, the process to enable/disable the plugins and the path of plugins also apply to Windows. You can follow this guide to work with both macOS and Windows.

Enable/disable the plugin log

  • Open the InDesign application. Make sure you have the censhare plugins installed.

  • Go to menu options "Plug-Ins-->Censhare AG-->censhare-XMLCommand-CS6-UI.." as per the below screenshot. Click on censhare-XMLCommand-.....

  • A new window opens, see below:

  • Enable/disable the checkbox to manipulate the plugin logs and click OK to save the configuration.

Logfile location

You can find the log file in the following path:

Documents → censhare Plug-In Data → InDesign → <CSversion> → XMLCommand-Log.txt

For Windows, the path is similar:

My Documents → censhare Plug-In Data → InDesign → <CS version> → XMLCommand-Log.txt

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