Asset relation types
The Asset relation types Master data table contains pre-configured asset relation types. Asset relation types define the nature of the hierarchical dependency of two assets. Asset relation types are hierarchical and written as dot-delimited paths, just like domains.
Some predefined asset relation types trigger hard-coded behavior in censhare. Do not change any default asset relation type!
In addition, it is possible to create custom asset relation types. While these relation types do not cause special behavior, they become browsable in a couple of specific relation views within the censhare client applications.
ID: unique alphanumerical ID of the asset relation type. The asset relation type is hierarchical and noted as dot-delimited path.
Name: name of the asset relation type (in all defined system languages).
Description: descriptive text for the asset relation type (in all defined system languages).
Parent title: descriptive name for the asset relation type from the child perspective (in all defined system languages).
Child title: descriptive name for the asset relation type from the parent perspective (in all defined system languages).
Parent sorting: numerical sortkey for the order in parent relation lists.
Child sorting: numerical sortkey of the order in children relation lists.
Directed: there is a clear hierarchical, semantical relation between the parent and the child. This is the default relation type.
Not directed: the relation between the assets has no hierarchical character on the semantical level. An example is the similar-relation in the system defaults.
Usage: Defines the number of relations of the defined asset relation type that an asset is allowed to have.
1:1 : One parent asset might have only one relation to a child asset.
1:m : One parent asset might have one or more relations to child assets.
n:1 : One parent asset might have only one relation to a child asset. But a child asset might have one or more relations to parent assets.
n:m : One parent asset might have one or more relations to child assets. A child asset might have one or more relations to parent assets.
Prioritized: If a user creates a relation censhare censhare normally asks which relation type it should use for the link creation. censhare also checks which relation types fulfill the filter criteria for the two assets where users want to create the relation. If this flag is set censhare automatically creates the relation and does not show the dialog. If there are more than one relation type that meets the criteria censhare takes the first one. This behavior only works in the Desktop Client (Java Client).
Parent asset: Only parent assets that meet the defined filters are allowed to have relations of the defined asset relation type.
Child asset: Only child assets that meet the defined filters are allowed to have relations of the defined asset relation type.
Versioned: the relations are versioned together with their associated assets.
User editable: the asset relation type is available for editing features in the censhare clients.