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Call-back file system (CBFS) installer Windows

If mixed censhare versions are used on one machine, the CBFS Installer is needed to run older and newer clients in parallel.


  • CBFS 6 starts with 5.8.15, 2017.1.7, 2017.2.8, 2017.3.4, 2017.4.1, 2017.5.0.
  • CBFS 2017 (new name schema) starts with censhare 2019.1.

Client and Render Client can use different CBFS versions

  • The censhare Server itself does neither use nor need CBFS. The same is valid for AdminClient and ServiceClient.

  • Using the censhare client installer of clients 5.0.0 and above will uninstall the old CBFS 4 and 5, as this, in general, should be desired on an update. Client installers of clients 2019 will uninstall CBFS 4, 5, and 6. For systems working with different censhare versions - e.g. a productive and a test environment - this behavior is not useful. This is the reason why we provide client-independent CBFS installers additionally to allow a parallel installation of CBFS versions.


If you have an older installation with 4.7.20 (CBFS 4) and another one with 4.8.5 (CBFS 4) all works fine. Let us assume you want to update one of these clients using CBFS 4 to a client using CBFS 2017 now. Using the client installer will generate the required registry entries, but will also uninstall the CBFS 4 and install CBFS 2017. Starting your client using CBFS 4 will result in a message CBFS is not available. To fix this you simply use the separate CBFS 4 installer which will install CBFS 4 in parallel to CBFS 2017. Now the clients will use their desired CBFS version.

If you have any problems with CBFS 4, 5, 6, or 2017, use the separate CBFS installer.

Locate the installer

The CBFS installer can be found on the censhare ecosphere Tracker using the predefined search _Downloads. Here go to: censhare-downloads / censhare-ClientSoftware / CBFS-Installer WIN = Virtual FileSystem or simply search for the asset ID 2542689.

There are no known problems on macOS - so there is no separate VFS installer. All VFS versions are compatible here with each other. Note the recommendation for use of different VFS versions and macOS if you use the separate installer. Client installers automatically decide on the correct version required by different macOS versions.
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