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Configure server actions - generic parameters

All server actions in the censhare Admin Client have a section with common general parameters.


As an administrator, you enable your configuration changes with server actions. For every server action, you find several sections with parameters:

  • general parameters, common for all actions- see the table below.
  • specific parameters for an action - described in the respective articles on an action or topic.


Server actions can be found in the censhare Admin Client in the Configuration/Modules directory.

  1. To set up a manual server action in the censhare Admin Client, go to the Configuration Module directory.
  2. Select the topic that you want to configure.
  3. Enter or change the general and special parameters of the action in the dialog box.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Select Update server action.

    If the server action does not display in censhare Web after the update of the web application configuration, try any of the following to display the server action:

    • clear the browser cache and cookies
    • use a different browser 
    • restart the system 

General parameters






This field is used for documentation purposes.

The "General settings" area

Server names


In a censhare cluster or master server configuration, you can restrict the server action to one server or create different configurations on different servers. By default, the action is enabled on all servers.



This field must be enabled to make the server action available.



This field is for internal use only.
For modules: This is a unique version number of the module. It is copied into the customized version, to ease the process of reviewing customization files after a system upgrade.

Permissions only for defined standard roles


Add the roles for users who are allowed to perform this server action. You can create and manage roles in the Master data in the "Roles" entry in the censhare Admin-Client.

Permissions only for defined Client types


Here you can specify whether the import is to be available only in the Admin Client or only in the Java Client. Note that the censhare Web Client option has no function in this module, even if it is displayed in the list.

Permissions only for defined permission keys.


In addition to or as an alternative to the standard roles, you can also enter individual permission keys for the server action. For example, you can only enable the action for users who also have special permissions.

"Keyboard shortcut" area



Enter a key combination here to start the server action on a Windows computer.



Enter a key combination here to start the server action on an Apple computer.

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