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Configure SOAP communication between InDesign server and censhare Render Client

If more than one Render-Client runs in one system, SOAP communication between InDesign Server and censhare Render-Client is required  to provide a dedicated InDesign Server instance for each environment. To launch multiple instances of a specific InDesign Server version an InDesign Server multi-instance license is required.


  • properly installed Adobe InDesign Server

  • Logged on to censhare Render-Client


With the autostart feature the censhare Render-Client is able to start/stop/restart the InDesign Server. For more information, see this autostart parameters cannot be defined by GUI within the Render-Client. Autostart is available since version: 4.3.38, 4.4.30, 4.5.27, 4.6.33, 4.7.35, 4.8.20, 4.9.11, 4.10.7, 5.1.1 and later. So if you add additional instances in versions between 5.4.0 and the previous listed ones, please check the /v4/hosts//javarender-preferences-.xml (close to end of file) if autostart is defined for existing instances. Howto define autostart is described

For more information, see this here. If possible always use autostart for a better stability of the InDesignServer.

Start InDesign Server


Start InDesign Server CS6 with -configuration and -port where CS6 is the instance name and 12000 the SOAP port.

start "CS6"   "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6 Server x64\" -configuration CS6 -port 12000

For a second instance, a different configuration and port are required:

start "CS6-1"   "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6 Server x64\" -configuration CS6-1 -port 12001


Start InDesign Server CS6 with -configuration and -port where CS6 is the instance name and 12000 the SOAP port.

/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS6\ Server/InDesignServer.command -configuration CS6 -port 12000

For a second instance a different configuration and port are required:

/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS6\ Server/InDesignServer.command -configuration CS6-1 -port 12001

Configure censhare Render-Client

Navigate to File|Preferences|General and uncheck Detect layout processes automatically. Hit the "+" and choose Adobe InDesignServer CS-6 from the dropdown menu. Select Protocol: SOAP and enter for the first instance URL: http://localhost:12000. For the second instance hit the "+" again and choose Adobe InDesignServer CS-6 from the dropdown menu. Select Protocol: SOAP and URL: http://localhost:12001 Click Ok.

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