Configure the segmentation for XLIFF export
Learn about the configuration of the segmentation for the XLIFF export and the necessary XML structure.
The configuration of the XLIFF interface in the Admin-Client via "Configuration · Modules · XLIFF2".
Via "Tag mapping configuration" you can configure the central segmentation structure of the XML files and thus the structure of the XML to be translated externally.
When running "Export XLIFF" also a segmentation following the SRX standard is performed.
Tag mapping and configuration
XLIFF2 - Tag mapping configuration
The configuration of the "tag mapping" is done for each XML dialect (MIME type) using a separate set of rules, for example, Adobe InCopy files (ICML) by defining a set of rules for the MIME type "application / vnd.adobe.incopy-ICML" (as seen in this screenshot).
In addition to the field for the MIME type of the name of an grouping element is specified (in the screenshot: "Story"). This is the name of the XML element that encloses a logical translation unit (e.g. a page of text or a paragraph of text). Of these groups, one or more can occur in the source document, however, only one group element name can be defined per XML dialect. All XML elements that are outside such a group are ignored when exporting the ICML.
Below the line containing the MIME type and name of the grouping element the individual segmentation rules that structure the content of a group are located. The rules determine which existing text markups are retained in the exported XLIFF and whether the XML elements act as segment boundaries, for example when a word wrap happens.
A rule consists of the XML element name (for example, in this screenshot "Paragraph Style Range"), as well as the selection of one of three different tag mapping types. There is a checkbox at the end of the rule that determines whether it acts as a segment boundary in the XML element.
Tag Mapping | Meaning | Example: |
Insulated, pairwise used inline tag <it> </it> | This mapping is used for elements that enclose other elements, e.g. text formatting such as "bold", "italic", etc. The content between two such elements is further analyzed, and when appropriate offered for translation. | abc <b>def</b> |
Insulated, individually used inline tag <x> | This mapping is used for items that do not require a closing element, such as a line break. The analysis of the content is continued after this kind of elements. | abc <br />def |
Structural tag (not inline) | This mapping is used for complex elements which have child elements, for example. Any content between the opening and closing element is combined into a markup and is therefore not intended for translation. This could be control information within the XML source document. | <cfg abc="def"> <id>ghi</id> </cfg> |
Example XLIFF export of an ICML file
In the screenshot XLIFF2 - Tag mapping configuration above the ruleset for the XLIFF export of Adobe is shown ICML documents is shown. Below are excerpts of the content of such an ICML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Document DOMVersion="8.0" Self="d">
<Color Self="Color/Black" Model="[...]"/>
<Color Self="Color/C=0 M=0 Y=100 K=0" Model="[...]"/>
<Story Self="udc" [...]>
<StoryPreference OpticalMarginAlignment="false" [...] />
<InCopyExportOption IncludeGraphicProxies="true" [...] />
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="...">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="...">
<Content>Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by
her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or
twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading,
but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is
the use of a book,’ thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"
<file target-language="de-DE" original="export-15216"
<group id="A_15211,1,15216,2,1" resname="XLIFF test text 1-DE">
<group id="A_15211,1,15216,2,2" resname="XLIFF test text 1-DE">
<trans-unit xml:space="default" id="0">
<it id="1" pos="open"><StoryPreference OpticalMarginAlignment = "false" [...]></it>
<it id="1" pos="close"></StoryPreference></it>
<it id="2" pos="open"><InCopyExportOption IncludeGraphicProxies = "true" [...]></it>
<it id="2" pos="close"></InCopyExportOption></it>
<it id="3" pos="open">ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle = "..."</it>
<it id="4" pos="open">CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle = "..."</it>
<it id="5" pos="open">Content</it>
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by
her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or
twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading,
but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is
the use of a book,’ thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?’
<it id="5" pos="close">Content</it>
<it id="4" pos="close">CharacterStyleRange</it>
<it id="3" pos="close">ParagraphStyleRange</it>
<it id="1" pos="open"><StoryPreference OpticalMarginAlignment = "false" [...]></it>
<it id="1" pos="close"></StoryPreference></it>
<it id="2" pos="open"><InCopyExportOption IncludeGraphicProxies = "true" [...]></it>
<it id="2" pos="close"></InCopyExportOption></it>
<it id="3" pos="open">ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle = "..."</it>
<it id="4" pos="open">CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle = "..."</it>
<it id="5" pos="open">Content</it>
Alice fing an sich zu langweilen; sie saß schon lange bei ihrer
Schwester am Ufer und hatte nichts zu thun. Das Buch, das
ihre Schwester las, gefiel ihr nicht; denn es waren weder Bilder
noch Gespräche darin. „Und was nützen Bücher,“ dachte Alice,
„ohne Bilder und Gespräche?“’
<it id="5" pos="close">Content</it>
<it id="4" pos="close">CharacterStyleRange</it>
<it id="3" pos="close">ParagraphStyleRange</it>
Note: If the Export to XLIFF is applied to an Adobe InDesign document that has links to several ICML files these ICML files are exported into one coherent XLIFF document. The individual ICML files are separated by the XML element "file" in the XLIFF document.
An optimization allows users to select an XSLT preprocessor under "Tag mapping configuration".
This allows merging and removal of CharacterStyleRanges in the ICML for undesirable properties, such as manual kerning.
A custom tailored stylesheet for your needs has to be provided by our solution developers.