Based on an XSLT transformation, the Transformation chart widgets displays statistical asset data of an asset or asset structure.
The Transformation chart widget can be used on any asset page and in any context.
TheTransformation chartwidget displays statistics of an asset or asset structure. The data can be displayed as numbers or charts. Based on the transformation, the widget can show statistical data of the context widget. For example, theView historyof an article. Another usage of this widget shows statistical data of asset types in the system. For example, the most viewed articles and campaigns, or theQuality gatesstatistics of your product information.
Configure the Transformation chart widget in your personal workspace
To add the widget to an asset page, switch to the developer mode in your censhare account. For more information, seeThe developer mode in censhare Web.
Open the asset where you want to place the widget.
Select the tab on which you want to place the widget. If you need to add a new tab, selectManage tabsfrom the asset menu. For more information, seeTabs in censhare Web.
In the page actions menu, selectAdd widget type.
In theAdd widgetdialog, selectChart based on a transformationand click OK.
In the widget header, clickand selectConfigure widget.
In theGeneric configurationarea, define how the widget and list items in the widget are displayed on the asset page. For more information, seeGeneric Widget Configuration.
In theChartarea, configure the report transformation. For more information, see theChartsection below.
To save your changes to your personal workspace and close the Chart based on a transformation dialog, click OK.
In this section, you configure the report transformation and an optional toolbar transformation:
Select a transformation from the list. The XSL template must be stored in aTransformationasset with the resource usageChart data transformation.
Workspace XML configuration
As a system administrator, you can create widget configurations and add them to the XML file of a workspace template. For more information, seeWorkspace templates with XML files.
The following code snippet shows the configuration schema:
References the widget this configuration is based on. For attributes and elements that can be added here, see Generic widget configuration.
Select "csTransformationChartWidget".
Contains the configuration of the widget.
Selects the transformation that retrieves the data and creates the output shown in the widget. The resource usage of the transformation must beChart data transformation.
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