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Configure workflows

Workflows are defined in censhare in the Master data in the censhare Admin Client. Workflows can contain several workflow steps with information like completion state or default target. 


  • Workflows are part of the master data in censhare that define a basic set of configurations overall used in the censhare system.


  • Access to the censhare Admin Client
  • Right to edit master data
  • All needed workflow states already exist in the Workflow states table in the censhare Admin Client.


The Workflow table in the Master data section in the censhare Admin Client creates and maintains workflows. Each workflow has its own Workflow steps table with all defined steps. 

Each workflow step can be assigned to a workflow state. Workflow states allow you to categorize workflow steps overall workflows. This allows you to quickly see the status of a workflow and compare it with other workflow states. Workflow states are defined in the Workflow states table in the Master data section. Different workflow steps can have the same workflow state. 

Workflow configurations

Create workflow

  1. Open the Workflows table in the Master data section in the censhare Admin Client.

  2. Click the + icon in the top bar.

  3. A dialog opens: Fill in the required and optional fields as needed. For more information, see the table Workflow settings.

  4. To add one or more workflow steps, see Create workflow step. You can also do this later.

  5. Click OK to save the new workflow. 

Edit workflow

  1. Open the Workflows table in the Master data section in the censhare Admin Client.

  2. Double-click the workflow you want to edit.

  3. A dialog opens: Edit the required and optional fields as needed. If you change the workflow ID to an already existing one, you receive an error when saving. For more information, see the table Workflow settings.

  4. To edit one or more workflow steps, double-click the respective workflow step to open it. For more information, see Edit workflow step.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.

Delete workflow

  1. Open the Workflows table in the Master data section in the censhare Admin Client.

  2. Double-click the workflow you want to delete.

  3. A dialog opens.

  4. Delete all workflow steps. For more information, see Delete workflow step.

    Otherwise, you cannot delete the workflow.
  5. Click OK to save your changes. The dialog closes.
  6. Now, select the edited workflow.
  7. Click the Delete icon in the top bar.
  8. The workflow is deleted.

Workflow settings






Unique key of the workflow. Must not be in the range between 900000 and 1000000. For more information, see censhare dedicated workflows ((link censhare_dedicated_workflows))

Name [en]


Name of the workflow in English. The name is shown in the selection list for a workflow when the user interface language is English. This name is also shown if the Name field for the selected user interface language is empty.

Name [xx]


Name of the workflow for all defined system languages. The name is shown in the selection list for a workflow for the selected user interface language.

Description [xx]


Description of the workflow for all defined system languages.



Name of the domain for the first domain where the workflow belongs to.

2nd Domain


Name of the domain for the second domain where the workflow belongs to.

Default step


Default workflow step that is set automatically as soon as the workflow is selected in the client. It can only be set when at least one workflow step has been defined.

Default asset type


censhare automatically assigns the workflow to new assets with the selected asset type. If a Default step is selected, it is assigned, too.
Note: An asset type must be assigned to one workflow only. Otherwise, the assignment might not work.

Workflow steps

Create workflow steps

  1. In the configuration dialog of the workflow click the + icon.

  2. A dialog opens: Fill in the required and optional fields as needed. For more information, see the Workflow step settings.

  3. Click OK to save the new workflow step.

  4. Repeat to add another workflow step.

Edit workflow step

  1. In the configuration dialog of the workflow, double-click the workflow you want to edit.

  2. A dialog opens: Edit the required and optional fields as needed. Do not change the workflow step ID. For more information, see

  3. Click OK to save the new workflow step.

Delete workflow step

You have opened the workflow to edit in a dialog window:

  1. Select all workflow steps that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete icon in bar in the Workflow steps section.

  3. The workflow steps are deleted.

  4. Click OK.

  5. If any of the deleted workflow steps was assigned to an asset, you must assign another workflow step respective workflow/workflow step to these assets. A dialog opens for this.

  6. In the Assign to field select a workflow and then the workflow step.

  7. Click OK.

  8. All deleted workflow steps are listed.

Workflow step settings






Numeric workflow step ID that must be unique within the workflow. Can be assigned freely.

Name [en]


Name of the workflow step in English. The name is shown in the selection list for a workflow when the user interface language is English. This name is also shown in the Name field for the selected user interface language is empty.

Name [xx]


Name of the workflow for all defined system languages. The name is shown in the selection list for a workflow for the selected user interface language.

Description [xx]


Description of the workflow for all defined system languages.



The numeric sorting key for the order of the workflow steps within the workflow popup menu. Can be assigned freely. It is recommended to count in large steps (at least 10, better 100) to be able to insert steps later.

Completion state


Defines the completion state for the workflow step in percent. This is used in other places to visualize the completion state of a workflow.



Defines the color for the workflow step. This is then used at different places to visualize the status of the workflow.



Assigns a global workflow state to the workflow step. For example, this is used to calculate the worst workflow state. Workflow states are defined in the Workflow state table in the censhare Admin Client.

Default target


Set a user or user group as the default target. The selection is set as a workflow target when the workflow step is selected.

Checked out step


Sets the defined workflow step if an asset with this workflow step is checked in again.

Trigger Event


Select an asset event in the drop-down list. When the workflow step is reached, censhare creates this asset event. If any automatic server action listens for this event, the action is executed.


You have created, edited, or deleted a workflow with its workflow steps. 

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