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Create icon keys via expressions

Create icons in column definitions of the type icon based on formulas.


Keys for icons in asset table columns can be constructed using an expression. The expression gets the corresponding asset as its input and must return either a valid icon key (as defined in file resources-iconset.xml) or null (no result).

Additionally, the attribute "header-icon-key" should be set to define the key to be used for the icon displayed in the table header. If missing, the label text is displayed instead.

Note: This feature does not work with the existing WebClient. The feature is mostly interesting for custom icons.


Example for a simplified "master file" column:

<xe:column key="has-masterfile" type="icon" label="${master-file}"
     tooltip="${master-file}" sortable="false" width="14px" align="center"
     formula=":if (exists(asset/storage_item[@key='master'])) then ('file-flag') else ()"/>
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