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Edit user preferences

The preference settings in your user profile control the general display and dialog options of your censhare Web account. You can customize your preferences or return to the default settings of censhare Web at any time. 

What's new

  • Improved User interface language and Preview language settings. 

  • New E-mail notification option.

  • The Use my domain for new child assets setting is also applied if a user creates a variant asset.


Basic understanding of censhare Web and the default workspace.


In censhare Web, you access your user preferences from the user menu. To open the user menu, click your name or user icon in the Top navigation of your censhare Web workspace.


The first time you log in to censhare Web, your personal profile uses the default settings of censhare Web. You can customize many of these settings to suite your personal preferences. For example,  List view  is the default setting for search results in censhare Web. If you usually prefer to view results in a different way, you can easily set a new default view in your user preferences.

Edit user preferences

To view or edit your user preferences, select  Preferences  in the user menu. The  User preferences  dialog opens. To access your preference settings, select different tabs on the  User preferences  dialog.


This tab contains your  Language,  Calendar, and  Login  settings.




In the  User interface language  field, select the language that censhare Web uses for menus, navigation items and labels on the user interface. The default setting is English (US).

In the  Preview language  field, select the language that censhare Web uses to display asset properties. For example, in  Properties  widgets,  Table  widgets,  Report  widgets and  Preview  widgets. If a language selector is configured in the toolbar of these widgets, you can change the displayed language individually in a widget without changing the  Preview language  setting. If the preview language that you selected is not available for a specific property, your default language is displayed instead.

Date format

In the  Format  field, select the way that date information is formatted in censhare Web. The default setting is day, month, year (DD.MM.YYYY).    


In the  Week starts on  field, select the day of the week on which the weeks of your calendar start. The default setting is Monday.   


Activate the  E-mail  field to receive notifications generated from the system. If you have no e-mail address stored in you profile, the field is disabled and cannot be activated. Ask a system administrator to add your email address to your user data.


This tab contains settings for the  Default views  that censhare Web uses to display search results.

Note: After your search results display, you can switch to other view modes. Your preference settings only define the default view.



Search page     

Select the default view that censhare Web uses to display results on a search page.

Related search page    

Select the default view for results on a related search page. The  Show relations  option in the actions menu of an asset opens a related search page.

Asset chooser     

Select the default view for results in the asset chooser dialog. For example, the asset chooser that opens when you create an asset from a template.

Gallery view size     

Select the default size of images in the  Gallery view  of an asset list. To select a size, move the slider to the desired position (XS, S, M, L, XL).   

For more information, see  Working with asset lists.

New assets tab

This tab contains settings for the creation of  New assets.



Use my domain for new child assets     

By default, all newly created assets get the domain of the user who is creating them. With the option “Use ‘My domains’ for new child assets”, assets created in the context of an existing asset will automatically be assigned to the domain of that asset. That is the case, for example, if you create relations in an asset and create a new asset when doing so.

Duplicate suffix    

Add the defined text after the name of every asset that you duplicate. If you duplicate an entire asset structure, the defined text is also added to the names of the associated child assets.    

Variant suffix    

Add the defined text after the name of every asset variant that you create.    

Working copy suffix     

Add the defined text after the name of every asset that you create as a working copy of an asset that is already published.

For more information, see  Managing the release process.  

Files upload

This tab contains  Files upload  and  Enable duplicate check  settings.



New assets

Define whether censhare Web looks for duplicates when you upload files. To automatically compare files that you upload to assets that already exist on your system, select Enable duplicate check. To create a new asset every time you upload a file (even for files that already exists as an asset), clear this option. For more information, see  Creating assets.    


Define how censhare Web handles file uploads. The  Presets  control the size of individual chunks in an upload and the number of simultaneous uploads. Because censhare processes larger uploads in chunks, you can resume an unsuccessful upload from the last chunk that uploaded successfully.

  • Default: This preset is suitable for all file sizes and works with enterprise networks or broadband connections.

  • Smaller files: This preset is optimized for the upload of multiple small files simultaneously.

  • Larger files: This preset is optimized for the upload of large files with a limited bandwidth.

  • Custom: This preset allows you to manually adjust your upload settings.

File upload settings

Adjustment of the settings in this area is only necessary when the  Custom  preset is selected.



Chunk size

Define the size of chunks into which censhare divides larger files during the upload process. If the total size of the upload file is smaller than the defined chunk size, no chunks are created. The minimum chunk size is 512 KB. The maximum chunk size is 20 MB. Censhare can process a maximum of 1,000 chunks per upload file. If the calculated number of chunks exceeds 1,000, censhare adjusts the chunk size automatically.    

Upload chunks

Define how many chunks are uploaded at the same time. The minimum number of chunks is 1. The maximum number of chunks that can be uploaded simultaneously is 10.            

Upload files

Define how many files are uploaded at the same time. The minimum number of files is 1. The maximum number of files that can be uploaded simultaneously is 10. If you upload more than 10 files at once, the files that exceed the limit are placed in a queue.         

Note: The censhare server allows up to 10 simultaneous connections. To check the maximum number of server connections that your settings require, multiply  Upload chunks  by  Upload files. The result shows the maximum number of connections to the censhare server that your settings can produce. For example, an  Upload chunks  setting of 2 and an  Upload files  setting of 5 equals a maximum of 10 simultaneous server connections (2 x 5=10). Verify that your custom settings do not exceed the server limit.


This tab contains  Automatic translation  settings for the  Translation with memory  application.

The  Translation with memory  application can translate text segments and asset properties automatically. In this tab, you define the percentage values that censhare uses for the automatic translation of segments that match.

For more information, see  Translate with memory.


You can adjust your personal preferences to suit your needs.

Next steps

Customize your user-preference settings as desired or reset all preferences to the default settings of censhare Web.

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