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Enable the Add and Delete language action

The Add/Delete language server action allows administrators to manage the available locales in the data base schemas.

Enable and execute the server action

Adding and disabling languages in censhare, is now possible by activating the action Add/Delete locale in the censhare Admin Client: Configuration > Modules > Administration > Locales > Add/Delete locale

Once the action is enabled, it can be executed from the Server Actions menu in the Admin Client:

To remove a language:

  • Select the Action Remove
  • Select the desired language from the "Locale name" dropdown

To add a language:

  • Select the Action Add
  • Add the language's shortname as "Locale name"
  • Select one of the available languanges as "Locale for default values"

When action is executed a db-schema.patch file will be created on the following location censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/config/. Depending on the executed actions, the following tags will be added into the db-schema.patch file:

  • Remove - <p:remove>
  • Add - <p:add>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><p:patch xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<p:remove select="/schema/locales/locale[@name=&apos;de&apos;]"/>
<p:add select="/schema/locales"><locale name="it"/></p:add>
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