Until 2017, to use the censhare XMLCommand plug-in with Adobe InCopy censhare Clients can disable the Adobe Assignment UI plug-in. This is a possible reason for an error with the update process of Adobe CC 2015 or higher. This article explains the reasons and a workaround.
Problem: Error message when updating Adobe InCopy after CC 2015
After Adobe CC 2015, an error can occur when updating Adobe InCopy when the Adobe "Assignment UI" plug-in is not in the folder ".../Contents/MacOS/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/". The error message only says that the update has failed. But it contains no direct information about the cause.
It's located in the associated current log file: "DS015: Unable to read symlink target of source file "/Applications/Adobe InCopy CC 2015/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow/Assignment UI.InDesignPlugin/Resources"(Seq 4964)". The error message contains a link to "Further details", which refers to the folder in which this log file is located.
Reason for the update error
One possible cause for the message is that the Adobe plug-in "Assignment UI" is missing from the corresponding directory "InCopyWorkflow". To run the censhare Clients with Adobe InCopy in Mac OS X it has always been necessary to deactivate the Adobe "Assignment UI" plug-in.
As a result, when starting, the censhare respective the Render Client checked whether the "Assignment UI" plug-in was active or not. If it was, the censhare Client moved the "Assignment UI" plug-in to a different folder. The user received a message and then needed to restart Adobe InCopy.
Fix for updating Adobe InCopy
To keep the update for Adobe InCopy from failing in the Adobe Creative Cloud, move the "Assignment UI" plug-in to its original location. You'll find the plug-in that censhare moved in the following directory, depending on which InCopy version you have: e.g. "/Applications/Adobe InCopy CC 2015/Plug-Ins-Disabled/InCopyWorkflow" für CC 2015.
Move the file "Assignment UI.InDesignPlugin" back to its original location: e.g. "/Applications/Adobe InCopy CC 2015/Plug-Ins/InCopyWorkflow" für CC 2015. Restart the Adobe InCopy update.
In the second step, you need to update or adjust your censhare installation (Server and Clients). Otherwise, the censhare Client will move the "Assignment UI" plug-in again next time you start it.
This check for a deactivated "Assignment UI" plug-in is no longer carried out after the following censhare Server versions: 4.8.27, 4.9.20, 4.10.24, 5.1.17, 5.2.12, 5.3.12, 5.4.9, 5.5.11, 5.6.10, 5.7.6, 5.8.5 und 2017.1.0 or higher.
Update the censhare Server and the Clients to the corresponding version without the check.
A second option is that you can adjust the corresponding configuration file for Adobe InDesign and InCopy on the Server. This ensures the censhare Client no longer carries out the check. f you don't want to make the changes yourself, use a ticket to contact support and they will be happy to help you.
Adjusting the InDesign versions table in censhare
The XML file "indesign-version.xml" configures which plug-in needs to be available for the respective Adobe InDesign , InCopy and Server versions. Außerdem konfiguriert sie für jede Version, ob Plug-ins entfernt werden müssen.
For the different versions of Adobe InDesign, there used to be an entry for Adobe InCopy for the "Assignment UI" plug-in that prompted the search and, if necessary, the removal of the plug-in. This command is then passed on by the Server to the censhare Client in question. However, only the Client for Mac automatically removes the "Assignment UI" plug-in. In Windows, the Client only shows a message that the plug-in exists and needs to be removed.
After server versions 4.8.27, 4.9.20, 4.10.24, 5.1.17, 5.2.12, 5.3.12, 5.4.9, 5.5.11, 5.6.10, 5.7.6, 5.8.5 and 2017.1.0 or higher, all entries regarding the removal of "Assignment UI" plug-ins have been taken out. The check is dispensed with. In the new censhare versions the 'InCopyWorkflow/Assignment UI' plugin can (must since CC2017) stay in it's location. For earlier censhare Server versions you can manually remove the entries for the appropriate Adobe InDesign versions from the XML file. You can find the file here:
For every InDesign version, there is a separate section in the file "indesign-version.xml". The tags <indesign_version name="CC-2017" tcn="0"> and </indesign_version> indicate this entry. The "name" parameter indicates the version, in this case, "CC-2017". First, find the InDesign version that you wish to use and adjust. If you use multiple versions you have to edit all of them individually.
Within the "indesign_version" tags there are two with "<applications> ... </applications> for the configuration of InCopy, InDesign and InDesign Server. The second tag <app_versions> ... </app_versions> describes which InDesign releases are supported within a specific InDesign version, for example 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4 for CC 2017.
Within "applications", on the other hand, another tag refers to <incopy name="Adobe InCopy CC 2017" id_string="adobe-incopy-cc-2017"> ... </incopy>. This is in turn divided into entries for <mac ... > ... </mac> and <windows> ... </windows>.
For Mac and Windows, respectively, the tags <plugins min_version="2.8.30"> ... </plugins> describe which censhare plug-ins are required for the InDesign version. "min_version", for example, indicates the minimum version of the plug-in that needs to be installed ="2.8.30". The tags <add> ... </add> list the plug-ins. The tags <remove> ... </remove> describe which plug-ins need to be found and possibly removed. The entry <plugin file_name="Assignment UI"/> within this tag lists the plug-in "Assignment UI".
This ensures that the Client no longer checks whether the "Assignment UI" plug-in exists on macOS or Windows.
Updating the server configuration
After changing the XML file, you still need to update the server configuration so the changes will take effect. This will automatically happen when you restart the server.
You can update the configuration in the Admin Client.
In the toolbar at the top, click "Update server configuration". Select the command and carry it out with the settings "Refresh last changes" for the mode and "All" for the area. The file is loaded in the runtime directory of the server.
Carry out the command "Reload data cache". This will load the changed data. Click "Server actions" in the toolbar and select the command in the menu bar.
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.