ExifTool - Metadata mapping
Synchronize metadata between image files and asset properties.
Users can restore edited metadata into (additional) storage items. ExifTool functionality (Extract and write file meta data) can be used in context with the censhare Client application and monitored folders on the server. When files are imported or exported with other tools (e.g. XSLT commands, content export, etc.), metadata mapping exists from within XSLT.
This enables users to download images from the Online Channel with the latest metadata updates. Other use cases include the sending of images via e-mail or download link. Make ExifTool calls using the all enhanced censhare.api-Interface
ExifTool extensions in the API
Reading file meta data of the specified file and return the result as XML
CODE<cs:command name="com.censhare.api.exiftool.read" returning=":resultVariable"> <cs:param name="source" select="$source"/> </cs:command>
@param source references to a file
@return Result of ExifTool as XML
Write the specified parameters (using string syntax of ExifTool) to the given source file and save in specified target file
CODE<cs:command name="com.censhare.api.exiftool.write"> <cs:param name="source" select="$source"/> <cs:param name="dest" select="$dest"/> <cs:param name="parameters" select="$parameters"/> </cs:command>
@param source references to a file
@param dest references to the target file
@param parameters results in a string containing all tag parameters (result of the XSLT 'getExifToolWriteParameters')
@return nothing
Update the source asset based on the passed parameters (ExifTool readout) and the JavaScript mapping file
CODE<cs:command name="com.censhare.api.exiftool.updateAssetFromExifToolResult" returning=":resultVariable"> <cs:param name="source" select="$source"/> <cs:param name="file-metadata" select="$parameters"/> <cs:param name="javascript" select="$javascript"/> </cs:command>
@param source stands for the asset
@param file-metadata the ExifTool readout
@param optional file reference to JavaScript mapping or Default under "censhare-Server/app/modules/asset/metadata-mapping.js" if not defined. The JavaScript modifies the given asset with the XML data read by ExifTool
@return changed asset XML
Get ExifTool write parameters using given JavaScript of given source asset
CODE<cs:command name="com.censhare.api.exiftool.getExifToolWriteParameters" returning=":resultVariable"> <cs:param name="source" select="$source"/> <cs:param name="storageitem" select="$storageitem"/> <cs:param name="javascript" select="$source"/> </cs:command>
@param source stands for the asset
@param storageitem is the storage item XML of the given asset
@param optional file reference to the JavaScript mapping or default under "censhare-Server/app/modules/asset/metadata-mapping.js" if not defined. The JavaScript produces the write syntax for ExifTool for a given asset
@return ExifTool write parameters as a string