Each widget on a tab on an asset page uses a generic configuration and a specific configuration. This article describes the generic widget configuration.
Users can change their configuration in the widget dialog in censhare Web. Administrators can define the default configuration of widgets in a workspace template. This article describes both methods and available settings.
Administrators can create default widget configurations inworkspace templates. These templates are assigned to roles.
As a user, you need a basic understanding of widgets and their functionality. As an administrator, you must be familiar with the workspace concept of censhare Web and the XML workspace structure.
censhare Web displays asset details, relations, and reports in widgets. Widgets are placed on the tabs of an asset page. When a user logs in to censhare Web for the first time, censhare creates a personal workspace for the user. censhare Web applies the workspace template that is assigned to the role of the user. The workspace template contains the default widget configurations for each workspace page. Users can customize their personal workspace and override the default widget configurations. The default configurations of widgets are defined in the XML template of the workspace. Customized widget configurations are defined in the Configure widget dialog of each widget in censhare Web.
censhare Web uses different terminology for the configuration of workspaces and the user interface. The following table shows meanings and equivalences between the terms:
User interface
Workspace page
Asset page
Pages are configured for each asset type. User customizations to one asset page are applied to all pages of the same asset type.
Workspace container
Tabs provide a top-level structure to asset pages. Tabs can be role-specific. For example, the Administration tab is only shown to administrators.
Workspace widget
Widget type
Widgets provide functions to show, manage, or transform asset data. Widgets require a widget configuration when they are placed on an asset page. Users cannot add unconfigured workspace widgets to an asset page. In developer mode, unconfigured widgets can be added from the Add widget type dialog.
Workspace widget configuration
The widgets on a tab of an asset page are pre-configured. Therefore, they are called widget configurations in the workspace. The widget configuration parameters are applied to the workspace widget. The workspace widget provides functionality. When a user adds a widget to an asset page from the Add widget dialog, this is a pre-configured widget.
Configuration in the user interface
Default widget configurations can be changed in your personal workspace. Custom configurations are applied to all pages of the same asset type. You cannot limit the customization to the configuration of a single asset page of a specific asset. For example, if you customize the configuration of the Image properties widget of an asset called "Mountainbike Trail blue" with the ID 1234567, the configuration is applied to all Image assets. Widget configurations are not specific to a single asset. Widget configurations apply to an entire asset type.
To edit a widget configuration on an asset page, do the following:
To open the widget menu, move your cursor over the widget and click icon.
To open the configuration dialog, select Configure widget.
For the generic configuration, see the section below.
For the functional configuration, see the articles listed in the widget configurations.
Generic configuration
Widget title
Enter the title of the widget here. You can overwrite the default title of a widget.
Hide widget title
Select this option to hide the widget title. For example, if the function of a widget is clear from the details shown or the lists, you can hide the title. The available space for the widget is then used to show details and lists instead.
Tab title
This option only takes effect if multiple widgets are grouped in tabs. For example, the Attribute inspector, Preview, and Assignments tabs in the Content editor.
If multiple widgets are grouped into one section, you can enter the title of the widget tab here. Instead of a title, you can also define a title or combine a title with an icon.
Tab icon
This option only takes effect if multiple widgets are grouped in tabs. For example the Attribute inspector, Preview, and Assignments tabs in the Content editor.
If multiple widgets are grouped into one section, you can add a tab symbol (icon) to the tab. Instead of a symbol, you can also an icon or combine an icon with a title. The available symbols are in the Iconography section of the censhare Style Guide.
List size
This option only works in widgets that show a list of assets. For example, the relation widgets (Single and Multi relation widget).
This list view shows the asset name, type, and assignment next to the asset icon.
This list view shows the asset name and type next to the asset icon.
This list view shows only the asset name next to a small asset icon.
Adds a widget element for each widget on a workspace container (tab).
The ID of the widget configuration in the XML workspace template. The same ID can be reused in multiple workspace containers (tabs) and workspace pages (asset types).
Used for patches and updates. Set initial value to "0".
References the workspace widget on which this configuration is based.
Places the widget on a column of the grid. Use an integer from 0 to 3.
Defines the default height of the widget. Use an integer greater than 0. The number refers to the rows that the widget spans in the grid.
Defines the default width of the widget. Use an integer greater from 1 to 4. The number refers to the columns that the widget spans in the grid.
Contains the default configuration attributes of the widget. The configuration depends on the widget type and must correspond to the kind attribute (see above).
title, title_en, ...
Defines a default title and localized titles for this configuration.
description, description_en, ...
Defines a default description and localized descriptions for this configuration.
Only in widgets that show a list of assets: Sets the display size of the asset list. 1 = S 2 = M 3 = L
Widgets configurations
In the <configuration/> element, the attributes, and parameters for the specific configuration are added. For a list of all available widgets and widget configurations in your system, open the System asset and go to the Widgets tab.
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