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Ingest looked-up product features

Feature lookup rules dynamically display data on products that belong to a Product family, Product category, or are a Product variant.

Target groups

  • Solution administrators


Feature lookup rules are defined in censhare Web for Product information management.




Looked-up features are displayed but not stored in the target asset. For an integrated data model, use (2021.2) Feature inheritance.

With Feature lookup, you can display data of related assets in a product. The Feature lookup does not store any physical data in the Product asset, the looked-up features are displayed only. The Feature lookup does not change the data set of the Product asset. Feature lookup can be used to enrich the displayed data of a product, without adding these data to the asset.

To look up a feature from a related asset, the feature must be present in the target asset. For example, if the target asset is a product that is placed in a product category hierarchy, the looked-up feature is only displayed, if the feature is part of the classification of the product. For more information, see Custom product classification.

Features can be looked up over direct and indirect relations. The looked-up feature is only shown in the target asset, not in the intermediate assets. For example, if a feature is looked up in the root Product category, the feature is displayed only in the Product (target asset), but not in the Product categories between the root category and the product.

The Feature lookup can be stopped on the target asset or overwritten with a new value. If the Feature lookup is stopped, a stop marker is added to the target asset. If the looked-up feature is overwritten, the feature itself with the new value is added to the target asset with the new value. For more information about the technical implementation of Feature lookup, see Feature lookup - key concept.

Feature lookup rules

Feature lookup rules control the feature lookup. Looked-up features must be assigned to the respective Feature lookup rule. The Feature lookup rule defines the relations, paths, and sources of a looked-up feature. Feature lookup rules can look up features from multiple sources, and define a prioritization if these sources contain concurrent feature values. For more information, see Feature lookup - key concept.

The censhare dedicated solution contains the Feature lookup rule Product variants families, categories. This Feature lookup rule can be used in censhare PIM to look up features in the following paths:

  1. Lookup features in Product variants from the original Product asset

  2. Lookup features in Products from Product families

  3. Lookup features in Products from Product categories

(1) Looked-up features are prioritized in the given order.

(2) Features are looked up recursively in parent product families and parent product categories.


To configure a product feature lookup, proceed as follows:

  1. In censhare Web, open the Feature lookup rule Product variants, families, categories(resource key censhare:feature-inheritance-rule.product-variants-families-categories).

  2. Select the Overview tab.

  3. In the Lookup rule of widget, click (plus).

  4. Select the desired product features in the Asset picker, or open the Asset chooser to do so.


The selected product features are looked up and displayed in Product assets, or in Product asset variants, respectively.

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