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Installation tutorial

Tutorial to install censhare and configure the database and the censhare Service Client. 

This tutorial is only valid until censhare 2021.2.1.

As of censhare 2021.2.x:

  • To install a new censhare system or upgrade your existing system to censhare 2021.2 or above, you have to install or update to censhare WP and Keycloak.
  • There are some important changes to installation and configuration.
  • Continue here with the installation and update: censhare WP - RPM-based installation

Access and permission check

Step 1:  Connect via root SSH to the server. Ensure that the database is ready. For more information, see Database creation and configuration below.

Step 2.  Ensure that you have an account to access the censhare repositories. In case you don't have an account, create a ticket to the censhare Service Desk. The censhare support (IT Backend) will create the account and provide you with the necessary credentials.

Step 3.  Ensure that you have root permission to connect via SSH to the master server (css01) as mentioned in Step 1. Using the vi or nano editor, create the repositories in the following path:  /etc/yum.repos.d/. For more information, follow the  RPM installation guide.

Alias configuration

Step 4:  You need to copy the alias file in the root and corpus user. To do so, first create a ticket to the censhare Service Desk. The censhare support will provide you with the files. Download the provided files to your computer. Use the SCP alias command to copy the files to the master server. Take a note of the path where you have copied the files.

Step 5.  Run the following commands as root:

mv alias.root alias  

Step 6.  Run the following commands as corpus user:

mv alias.corpus alias

Step 7:  In the  baschrc  file, replace the text with the following text:

## Define default prompt to <username>@<hostname>:<path> 
<"($|#) ">
# and print '#' for user "root" and '$' for normal users.
# typeset +x PS1="\u@\h:\w\\$ "
# sourced by bash - aka, Coware AG, Feb-2004
# move colors from .bashrc.user here and remove .bashrc.usertest -z "$BASH" && return 0		
# continue only by bash!test -f ~/.alias && . ~/.alias
# colors for productive systemsPS1='\u@\[\e[1;31m\]\h:\[\e[0m\]`pwd|${SED__PROG-sed} "s,/[^/][^/]*.*\\(/[^/][^/]*/[^/][^/]*/[^/][^/]*\\)\\$,...\\1,;s,^$HOME,~,"`\$ '
# uncomment colors for test environments
#PS1='\u@\[\e[1;34m\]\h:\[\e[0m\]`pwd|${SED__PROG-sed} "s,/[^/][^/]*.*\\(/[^/][^/]*/[^/][^/]*/[^/][^/]*\\)\\$,...\\1,;s,^$HOME,~,"`\$ '
# added by pmoHISTTIMEFORMAT='%Y.%m.%d-%T :: 'HISTSIZE=5000HISTFILESIZE=5000
# add /usr/local/bin to PATHexport PATH=$PATH:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/local/bin

Web frontend redirection

Step 8:  This step is about installing HAProxy. The step is needed in most cases for easier handling of SSL certificates and cipher security. Also, the censhare servers are not allowed to run on low ports, for example on HTTP standard ports 80 and 443.  HAProxy will take care of the redirection in these cases.

Step 9:  Configure the ports accordingly. For more information, see ports used with censhare. Alternatively, disable the firewalls and firewall services with the following commands:

systemctl disable firewalls
systemctl disable firewalld 

censhare and database connection setup

Step 10:  To set up the connection between censhare and the database:

The database server must be set up and the database must be created (See step 1).

As corpus user, create the folder  database  in  cscs/app/services/. Copy the database  config.xml  file from  css/app/services/database/ with the following command:

cp css/app/services/database/config.xml ~cscs/app/services/database/

In  cscs/app/services/database/config.xml, add the username and password, database name, oracle or psql etc. in the following line:

vi cscs/app/services/database/config.xml 
<connection name="corpus" connection-url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@
          :1521:corpus" user-name="corpus_
          " user-password="

Save the file and check the connection to the database with the   script.

File system and mount point configuration

Step 11.  Check the available or desired mount points. We recommend that you use different mount points for the assets and assets-temp, etc. We do not recommend to store the assets in the /root mount. In case you have mount points for assets etc., we have to create the softlinks, and fix the ownership and permissions of the links as corpus.

Step 12.  In  ~cscs/app/services/, create the folder  filesystem  and copy the  config.xml  from  css/app/services/filesystem:

cd ~cscs/app/services/   
mkdir filesystem 
cp css/app/services/filesystem/config.xml ~cscs/app/services/filesystem/

In the   cscs/app/services/filesystem/config.xml , adjust the URL as mentioned in the example below. Note that the changes depend on the softlinks that you have created in step 11.

<filesystem name="assets" usage="assets" type="plain" url-creator="storage-sequence" url="file:work/yournewassets/ 

censhare services configuration

Step 13.  Enable E-mail, FTP, or other services.

censhare server configuration

Step 14.  To configure the censhare server, see  here.

Systemd and init services configuration

Step 15.  You need the systemd or init services to start, stop, and restart, etc. censhare server and the censhare service client. To configure these services, see  here.

Step 16.  If you have enabled the systemd services, start the censhare server with the following command:

systemctl start censhare.server

censhare Service Client configuration

If you have not installed the censhare Service Client on your computer, follow the Install Service Client guide.

Step 17.  Configure the censhare Service Client with the following commands:

./service-client/ setup 
  • $ User for autologin [service-client]:

  • $ Password for autologin: create a random password or use the password from the database

  • If the serivce client is locally installed, use:
    $ Url in hosts.xml [frmi://localhost/corpus.RMIServer]:
    If the service cient is not locally installed, use:
    $ Url in hosts.xml [frmi://localhost/corpus.RMIServer]: frmi://masterserverip/corpus.RMIServer

  • $ Name in hosts.xml [localhost]:

  • $ Do you want to update the entries? [Y/n]: Y

Leave all other options as default. The options depend on the desired services or configuration.

Step 18.  Start the Service Client with the following command:

systemctl start censhare.serviceclient

Step 19.  Open the Java-based censhare Client and try to add an image file asset. Check if there are any previews. If you use the web-based client, try to connect with the Web Client and check if you can add and delete image files and if the previews are created normally.

For this preview-test, ensure that you are connected as corpus user. Also, check the logs for any errors in the server with the following command:


Database creation and configuration

To create the database, create the user  corpus  in the database:

We recommend that you provide the database corpus credentials to the censhare Support (IT Backend) in a ticket. If censhare (IT Backend) has SSH access to your database server, we can provide you with support.

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