Language definitions - Master data
The Language master data section creates and maintains language definitions. Languages are identified with common ISO-keys and then associated with proprietary language-keys of the different applications.
Language details:
ID: unique ID of the language. The standard 2-character ISO codes should be used.
Name: visible name of the language (in all defined system languages).
Description: descriptive text for the language (in all defined system languages). Does not become visible for the user.
Database: table suffix for language-specific database columns.
WebCMS: corresponding language key for the Online Channel.
Adobe InDesign: language key of the Adobe Creative Suite.
Client: user interface language of the censhare client applications.
Translation Memory: language indicator for entries in the translation memory.
Spell check: language key for the built-in censhare spell-checkers as used in the content editors.
Full-text search: language for word stems and stop-words in the fulltext-search.