LibreOffice OpenOffice installation for censhare Service-Client
censhare uses LibreOffice/OpenOffice to preview Word and Excel documents.
Linux LibreOffice
For more information, see download latest RPM.
create install folder
{ # as corpus@application_host test -d /opt/corpus/install | mkdir -p /opt/corpus/install }
copy LibreOffice to corpus@application_host:install/
scp ~/Downloads/LibreOffice_*.tar.gz corpus@application_host:install/
install packages
{ # as root@application_host
pkglist="cairo-devel cups-devel libpng-devel libXinerama libSM libICE"
test -f /etc/SuSE-release && {
zypper install $pkglist
} || {
test -f /etc/redhat-release && {
yum install $pkglist
} } || {
echo "Unknown OS. Please install $pkglist."
identify software to install
{ # as root@application_host
cd /opt/corpus/install
loinst=$(\ls -1tr LibreOffice*.tar.gz | tail -1); test -z "$loinst" && {
echo "nothing found to unpack..."
} || {
echo "'$loinst' becomes installed."
extract and install
{ # as root@application_host tar xvfz $loinst; cd LibreOffice_*/RPMS && rpm -Uvih --force *rpm }
verify your LibreOffice installation
{ # as corpus@application_host
/opt/libreoffice5.2/program/soffice.bin --accept="socket,host=,port=17777,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;" --nodefault --nofirststartwizard --nolockcheck --nologo --norestore --headless --nofirststartwizard
Port 17777 should be open.
Linux OpenOffice
For more information, see download latest English US release.
check OpenOffice is not installed already
{ # as root@application_host
rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice
no output=no office installed -> go on
create install and tools folder
{ # as corpus@application_host
test -d /opt/corpus/install | mkdir -p /opt/corpus/install; test -d /opt/corpus/tools | mkdir -p /opt/corpus/tools;
copy OpenOffice to corpus@application_host:install/
scp Apache_OpenOffice_*.tar.gz corpus@application_host:install/
identify software to install
{ # as root@application_host
cd /opt/corpus/install
OO=$(\ls -1tr Apache_OpenOffice*.tar.gz | tail -1); test -z "$OO" && {
echo "nothing found to unpack..."
} || {
echo "'$OO' becomes installed."
extract and install
{ # as root@application_host tar xvfz $OO; cd en-US/RPMS/ && rpm -Uvih --force --relocate /opt/=/opt/corpus/tools/ *rpm }
install glibc, netcat, freetype-devel
{ # as root@application_host
test -f /etc/SuSE-release && {
zypper install glibc netcat libXext libXt freetype-devel
} || {
test -f /etc/redhat-release && {
yum install glibc nc libXext libXt freetype-devel
} } || {
echo "unknown OS. Please install glibc, netcat, libXext, libXt, freetype-devel."
verify your OpenOffice installation
{ # as corpus@application_host
/opt/corpus/tools/openoffice4/program/soffice -accept="socket,host=,port=17777,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;" -nodefault -nofirststartwizard -nolockcheck -nologo -norestore -headless -nofirststartwizard
Port 17777 should be open
LEGACY: Solaris 11
enter directory and create folder
test -d /opt/corpus/install/openoffice | mkdir -p /opt/corpus/install/openoffice && cd /opt/corpus/install/openoffice
corpus:~> wget
corpus:~> tar xvfz Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_Solaris_x86_install_en-US.tar.gz
search for freetye and install The FreeType Project
corpus:~> pkg search freetype
install freetype
root:~> pkg install pkg:/system/library/freetype-2@2.4.9-
add packages
root:~> cd /opt/corpus/install/openoffice && pkgadd -R /opt/corpus/tools/ -d en-US/packages
corpus:~> cd /opt/corpus/tools/ && ln -s /opt/corpus/tools/opt/ . && ln -s /opt/corpus/tools/opt/openoffice.org3
Verify your installation
LEGACY: Solaris 10
enter directory and create folder
test -d /data/install/openoffice | mkdir -p /data/install/openoffice && cd /data/install/openoffice
tar xvfz Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_Solaris_x86_install_en-US.tar.gz
install freetye including dependencies (zlib, libgcc, gcc)
For more information, see this
local:~> scp /Volumes/Files/censhare/censhare-3rdParty/Sunfreeware/Sol10/freetype-2.4.2-sol10-x86-local.gz corpus@cust-srv:install/
root:~> cd /opt/corpus/install/ && pkgadd -d freetype-2.4.2-sol10-x86-local
add packages
root:~> cd /opt/corpus/install/openoffice && pkgadd -d en-US/packages
corpus:~> cd /opt/corpus/tools/ && ln -s /opt/ . && ln -s /opt/openoffice.org3
Verify your installation.