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Manage your organizations

The Organizations page shows the metrics, resources, and goals of your organization and subsidiaries.


On the organizations page, you can access person resources and company assets of your organizations. The page shows KPI's of your campaigns and publications. You can view and access individual goals and department goals.

The censhare Standard workspace allows you to manage multiple organizations, or an organization with sub-units (for example: subsidiaries). The Standard solutions domain model is adapted to align with your organizational structure.

The root node of an organization is the Company asset, or one of its respective sub-types: Organization, Store, School, Hotel. To a Company root node, you assign Departments, Employees, and Subsidiaries. A company can be the owner of a brand. In the Company asset, you also store contact details, assign contracts and goals.

Besides your own organization, the censhare Standard workspace is designed to store information about your suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, customers in a Company asset. In these assets, you can add and assign all necessary data. Between your own organization and other organizations, you can create asset relations that represent the respective type of the relationship.

The Organizations page shows all Company assets and their departments. The table shows contact details. You can access further details on the company asset pages.

Overview tab

The Overview tab shows a table with all company and person assets that you can access. Company assets can be expanded to show the organizational structure of a company:

  • Company

    • Company (subsidiary)

    • Department

    • Person

    • Goal

The table columns show the following details:


Asset category

Contact details

Can be Company, Person, Department, or Goal.

The category indicates the business type. For example: retailer, supplier, influencer, etc. See also Filter by category below.

Shows the following contact details: e-mail, phone, address, etc. Company assets show generic contact data. Specific contacts can be found in the departments or person assets.

You can filter the assets that display:

  • Filter by type: Select to display company assets, or person assets only. If you select Company, you can expand the company nodes to display person and department assets of a company. If you select Person, the table shows a flat list of all person assets in the system. In this view, the Show only users toggle can be used for further filtering. If you select All, the table shows a mixed list of person and company assets. Note that persons can appear multiple times in this view.

  • Filter by asset category: Select to display only companies of a specific business, or persons of a specific role.

  • Show only users: This filter only works if you select Person in the Type filter. If you switch the toggle to ON, only person assets that are censhare users display.

  • Search for a resource: Enter a name in the Filter resource field to search for matching assets. The search only searches on root level. To search for a person, select Person or All in the Type filter first.

  • Access a resource: To access a resource, double-click it in the table. The asset opens on an asset page. Here, you can view and edit more details of that resource.

Locations tab

The Locations tab shows a list of countries and cities of your organization. In locations, you can manage sales areas and regions, store geographical data, or assign any other content that is only relevant to a specific country or city.

Community tab

The Community tab shows the following KPI's: campaign views, subject views, article views, most viewed authors, social media reactions.

Goals tab

The Goals tab shows the goals of companies and departments to which you belong, and your personal goals.

My goals

The My goals widget shows company and individual goals in a grouped table. The Company group shows goals directly assigned to your organization. The Me group shows personal goals assigned to you.

Goals display in My goals, if they are:

  • assigned to a company of which you are an employee. These goals display in the Company group.

  • assigned to a department to which you belong. These goals display in the Department group.

  • assigned to you directly. These goals display in the My personal group.

The table shows the following details:



Shows the start and end date of a goal.

Shows the progress of a goal as percentage and a color indicator.

To access a goal, double-click it. The goal opens on an asset page. In the Goal propertieswidget, you can edit the start date, end date, start value and end value.

Department goals

The Department goals widget shows goals that are assigned to a department of a company of which you are an employee. Other than in the left column, this column shows also other departments than yours. The table is grouped by departments and companies.

The table shows the following details:



Shows the start and end date of a goal.

Shows the progress bar of a goal in a progress bar and as percentage.

To access a goal, double-click it. The goal opens on an asset page. In the Goal properties widget, you can edit the start date, end date, start value and end value.

Risks tab

The Risk tab shows a list of risks of your organization, grouped by departments and companies. The table shows the following details:


A risk can be financial, operational, strategic, or related to compliance


Shows the name and description of the risk. To access the risk for further details, or to edit it, click the name.


Shows optional keywords of the risk.


Shows the probability that the risk will occur: not likely, possible, probable, or certain.


Shows the potential damage that the risk implies for the company or department: low, medium, high, or severe.


Shows the multiplied Probability and Potential values. The score value classifies the risk as follows:
0 - 2 = low
3 - 5 = medium
6 - 10 = serious
10 = catastrophic

Existing measures

Shows measures that are already implemented to reduce the risk.

Planned measures

Shows measures that are to be implemented to reduce the risk.


Shows the persons that are assigned to implement and assess the measures.


You know how to access your own and other organization's details, monitor the KPIs, and review company goals.

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