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Properties widget

The Properties widget can show you a variety of asset details. By selecting the template you determine which details the widget will show and, depending on the configuration, which details you can edit.


Using the metadata widget you can display a variety of asset details on an asset page. The details shown depend on the widget template you choose.

A template defines which details the widget window will show and which details you will be able to edit. The template "Properties widget", for example, shows the basic data of an asset such as the name, type or the ID. The decision as to what details will be shown or can be edited is made separately and can differ from template to template. It is therefore possible to see some details that you can't change or change some details that aren't shown in the widget window. This allows you to flexibly design your templates to suit your tasks.

censhare stores both the definition of asset details to be displayed as well as the details to be edited as assets. You can create and edit templates, which makes it possible, for example, to adapt or create templates as part of a customer project. Templates also allow you to integrate customer-specific asset details in order to both display and edit them.

For more information see the section "Working with widgets"  in the article "Asset details" and in the article  "Editing assets".


If the widget title bar shows the "Edit" button, you can use the selected template to edit asset details as well. You can see the button when you move the cursor to the widget's title bar.



Button: Edit

Click the "Edit" button to edit the details of an asset. A dialog opens with the fields you are allowed to change. Click SAVE to save your changes or CANCEL to exit the dialog without saving your changes.

Tip:  The changed information can only be seen in the widget window if this is configured in the template.

The changed data will only be permanently saved once you click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE at the bottom right of the main window.


To add the metadata widget to an asset page, you first click the tab on which the widget should appear. Then move the cursor to the "Asset menu" button on the right of the tab bar. Select the menu option "Add widget" and in the dialog that follows select the metadata widget.



Button: Asset menu

Then select a template in the widget configuration dialog. To do this, move the cursor to the widget action menu in the widget title bar and select the option "Configure widget".



Button: Widget action menu

A configuration dialog appears where you can change the title of the widget under "General settings".

In the "Widget template" select a template by moving the cursor to the selection list on the right of the template entry and selecting the desired type. If details are to be changed in the widget, click the selection box "editable (enable edit dialog)", which will place an "Edit" button in the widget title bar.

Advanced configurations

In the "Widget template" section you can adapt a template to suit your needs. You can separately select which details are to be displayed and which can be edited.

Click the "TEMPLATE DISPLAY" button to open the editor for selecting the data you wish to display. The "Source" tab of the template editor shows you the selection of the asset details to be displayed. The "Preview" tab contains the preview of data for the widget window. The "Model" tab has the selection of all asset details available to you for displaying.

Click once on the "TEMPLATE EDIT DIALOG" to open the editor and define which data should be editable for the selected template. You will see the button only once you have selected the "editable (enable edit dialog)" check box. The editor is designed exactly like the editor for editing the data to be displayed.

If a template is already saved in censhare but the associated entry doesn't exist yet in the selection menu, you can create the option yourself. If you click the "Add" button behind the selection menu for the template, fields will appear for the key, name and description of the template. Fill out the fields. As soon as the key and name have been entered, the CREATE button will appear next to the CANCEL button. Click CREATE to add a new entry. Click CANCEL to return to the selection list for the template without creating a new entry.



Button: Add

censhare collects certain asset details in groups if they are associated with each other, that is, if they share common traits. Typically the widget is aware of the necessary traits so that you can select which details you wish to display or edit. The traits that are available can be seen in the "Widget traits" section when you click the "Available traits" selection list. As part of customer projects, you can even add more asset details. The associated traits must be added in the "Additional traits" section so they can be used by the various editors.

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