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Quality gate sequences

Quality gate sequences represent a series of quality gates through which an asset must pass to be production ready or completed.


Quality gate sequences are part of an asset structure. Quality gate sequences reference a series of quality gates. The quality gates of a quality gate sequence can only be achieved in the defined order.

Usually, quality gate sequences are specific for an asset type. For example: products or projects.


Quality gate sequence properties

In the quality gate sequence properties widget you define, to which asset types a quality gate sequence applies.

You can define generic quality gate sequences without asset filters. However, this is not recommended since it can compromise the system performance.  

Asset type filter


Enter the exact asset type (no wildcards) as stored in the Master data/Asset types table. For example: picture.drawing.  If you add multiple asset types, the OR expression is used in the filter.(1)  
MIME type filter(minus)Optionally, add a MIME type to an asset type. Enter the exact value (no wildcards) as stored in the Master data/MIME types  table. For example: video/mp4 matches video assets with an MP4 master file.
Asset filter (XPath)(minus)Alternatively to the Asset type filter, you can enter an XPath expression to match the desired scope of assets to which you want to apply a quality gate sequence. For example: exists(asset/child_asset_rel[@key='user.task.']) matches assets with an assigned task.(2)


(1) If you do not enter an asset type filter, the quality gate sequence is applied to all assets. We recommend that you always define an asset type to avoid unnecessary server load.

(2) If your enter a value in this field, the Asset type filter must be empty. Otherwise the XPath expression in this field is ignored.

Assign quality gates

In the Quality gates widget, you assign the quality gates of a quality gate sequence:

  1. Move the cursor over the widget header and click the round plus button.
  2. Select or create the desired quality gate from the Asset picker, or open the asset chooser.

    If you create a new quality gate, you must configure it later.

  3.  Repeat the previous step to assign all quality gates that are part of the quality gate sequence.
  4. Sort the quality gates from top to bottom. The quality gates can only be achieved in this order. To move a quality gate up or down, move the cursor over the item and click
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