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Quickstart setup and customization

Installation and initial setup

Installation and setup for 2021.2.x

censhare WP uses Webpack technology and requires Keycloak for identity management. Follow this tutorial to set up censhare WP.

With Keycloak, censhare provides an external authentication solution that can integrate existing authentication methods. Keycloak is available in combination with censhare WP.

censhare WP - RPM-based installation

Keycloak configuration

Installation and setup for 2021.1.x

Plan, install and upgrade censhare to a new version.

Migrate your data to a later version of censhare.

Initial default configuration of the censhare Server, databases, components and censhare clients.


Platform and client setup

Set up your organization

Define a governance model, set up your users and identity management. Check the security guidelines.

Authentication management

Domains, roles & permissions

User management

Security management

Search and navigation

Find out about censhare's powerful search options. Customize how users can search for assets, filter, and save their searches.

Search and navigation configuration

Configure assets, products, media and content management

Asset management

Configure the heart of censhare, the censhare DAM and how users work with their assets.

Asset life cycle management

Product information management

censhare offers an integrated Product Information Management (PIM) solution. With censhare PIM, you can manage product data for retailers, suppliers, and customers. You can manage product specifications for different regions and languages, aggregate output data for different channels. censhare PIM supports standard product classification systems and exchange formats.

Product information management

Media and content management

Configure how users work with media, content and documents. Set up a newsroom where users can plan their publications.

Media and content management

Extend and develop censhare

For administrators and solution developers who want to automate complex administration processes to work more efficiently with censhare and get the most out of it.

For solution developers who want to extend the user interface and work with XSL transformations to customize censhare to the projects' needs.

Workspace customization

The standard workspace structure describes how the static pages as well as the asset pages and side navigation of the default censhare workspace is organized. An overview and key concept of that structure.

Workspace customization

censhare Web customization

The user interface of censhare Web can be very flexibly extended. You can customize the workspace, widgets, dialogs, menus or customize the overall look & feel such as the branding, dashboard and side navigation. 

censhare Web customization

censhare Client customization

Learn how to customize the censhare Client (java-based desktop client).

censhare Client customization

Configure how asset properties can be edited and displayed 

Configuration for displaying and editing metadata in censhare 5 Web. How to create, display and edit metadata features using the metadata widget in censhare 5. Information about the available censhare directives to create controls in the censhare 5 user interface.

censhare metadata directives

Customize censhare using XSLT

XSLT commands are an extension to XSLT to access the censhare server Java-API.

(2021.2) censhare XSLT commands & extensions

Asset process automation

Automatic server actions execute multiple-step operations in censhare. Actions are triggered by defined events and executed on all assets that match the trigger event condition. Learn how to configure the events and optional asset filters for automatic server actions.

Asset process automation 

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