Reporting for InDesign documents with Render Client
Create a report command.
An InDesign document has to be analyzed. A use case for this is that an InDesign document is imported via a hot folder and the linked images should be replaced with images from assets. Therefore it is necessary to have a report of the InDesign document so that the image paths can be read.
Implementation of a report command for the censhare Render-Client
The command is needed to request the XML report from an open document.
<command asset_id="218591" document_ref_id="1" method="open"/>
<command document_ref_id="1" method=“report” expand=“minimal” structure=“structure”/>
<command document_ref_id="1" method="close"/>
The report XML is hooked into the result XML of the render call.
<report document_ref_id="1">
<document doc_version="8.0" docname="censhare5 Layout.indd">
<slug> <asset id="10414" version="1"/> <version-info tags="vfs" version="4.7"/> </slug>
The new command“report”
Parameter - document_ref_id: ID of the document to be reported as specified in the open command.“expand”
Like regular report command. Detail level of the report [minimal|maximal|geometry]. Default "geometry".“structure”
Detail level of XML structure included into the report [minimal|structure|content].
Like regular report command.“filter”
Like regular report command.
A "report" command is applied to the referenced InDesign document with these parameters.. The report XML is hooked into the result XML of the render call.
<command document_ref_id="1" method=“report” expand=“geometry” structure=“structure”/>
<report document_ref_id="1">
<document doc_version="8.0" docname="censhare5 Layout.indd">
<asset id="10414" version="1"/>
<data_link uri="file:/..." state="available"/>