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Right-to-left writing support in censhare Web

In censhare Web, right-aligned text can be displayed, previewed and correctly edited in the Content editor, when editing localized properties or textblock tables in product assets. The article explains how to set up right-to-left (RTL) languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu in censhare Web.


Right-aligned text display is needed for right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew. In censhare Web, right-aligned text can be displayed, previewed, and correctly edited in the Content editor, when editing localized properties or text block tables in product assets. As an administrator, you must enable this setting.


The respective language that you want to use for the right-to-left writing in censhare is defined in the operating system of your computer.

The necessary character sets are installed on your computer:

  • macOS: System Preferences - Keyboard - Input Sources. Click the + icon to add the desired language, such as Arabic. The RTL language does not need to be the default language. Click the Show Input menu in the menu bar of your Mac and select the desired language. A restart is not necessary.

  • Windows: Settings - Times & Language - Language. Click the + icon to add the desired language, such as Arabic. The RTL language does not need to be the default language. A restart is not necessary.      


Languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu are right-to-left (RTL) orientated. To set up RTL support in censhare, the system and the relevant censhare applications must be set accordingly. Other writing systems (such as Top-to-bottom for example) are currently not supported.

In censhare Web, the following applications support right-to-left scripts:



Content editor


HTML & PDF previews Note: For PDF previews, there might be some issues due to font incompatibilities.


Localized properties (in dialogs or inline editing widgets)


Text block tables in product assets


Set up RTL language support

  1. Log in to the censhare Admin-Client and start the Admin mode.

  2. In Master Data, select Languages. In the toolbar, click + to add the new language/locale.

  3. Enter ID and name of the language in the respective fields. For example "ar_EG" for Arabic (Egypt).

  4. As Writing system, select Right-to-left.

  5. In the Assignments section, select the language mapping for the censhare components and applications. You can change the assignment settings at any time.

  6. Confirm with OK.

Note: The default writing system is Left-To-Right (LTR) for any language. Depending on your requirements, you can add RTL to any new or existing language, even to English.

Edit and preview content with RTL languages

When RTL is enabled for the selected language of the main text asset of an Article asset, the text in the Content editor is displayed right-aligned. When users type and edit text, the orientation stays right-to-left. HTML and PDF previews in the Content Editor are displayed right-aligned. If you have custom previews, the content is not displayed right-aligned by default. You must configure it by updating the respective custom transformation.

Prerequisite: In the Text asset, the respective language property must be set, otherwise censhare cannot recognize and apply the correct language definition. For example, select "Arabic".

Edit localized properties with RTL languages

In censhare Web, users can edit localized asset property values in dialogs such as "Edit properties" or in a Properties widget.

Translation with memory is not applied in this case. The common use case is to have one property in English and to create another property with the translation in Arabic. When RTL is enabled for Arabic, the text in the input fields of the Arabic property is right-aligned. When users type and edit property values, the orientation stays right-to-left.

Prerequisite:  The asset must have at least one property with a language attribute.   

Display and edit text in Product assets

When RTL is enabled for the selected language of a product asset, the text in textblock tables on the Text tab of a product asset page is right-aligned. When users type and edit text, the orientation stays right-to-left. To edit the textblock in a table, users need to open the textblock asset and edit the content as any other localized property.

Prerequisite: The asset must have at least one property with a language attribute.


You know how to set up right-to-left support for censhare Web. You know which applications support right-to-left languages in censhare Web.

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