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RPM Release notes

Changes regarding the RPMs that are used to install various censhare-related components on Linux. 



Release Date: 10th August 2019


  • The alias for "cssjstack" has been changed and added the option "-l"

    The -l option, which instructs the utility to look for ownable synchronizers in the heap and print information about java.util.concurrent.locks.

  • The sudoers and policykit now allows to start/stop/restart the libreoffice-online service "loolwsd.service" by user corpus.


With policykit it's possible to run systemctl commands without sudo by regular users. In order to use it with policykit, you need at least systemd version 226 and the polkit package installed. For further information read the  article about systemd services in censhare.

yum install polkit systemd


Release Date: 14th August 2019


/etc/sudoers.d/censhare-services file will now allow the censhare user to also use `sudo systemctl status censhare.*`.


Release Date: 24th May 2019


  • [Chg] Improved alias for  cssjstack  to create 6 jstacks with 2 seconds distance between the commands.

  • [FIX]  ownership  for created files will be set correctly

  • [Chg] Package block add/removal in  .bash_profile  improved. Package will no longer add CSS_ID on installation, this should be done by the censhare-Server package.

  • [Chg] Limits for application user won't be set via  /etc/limits.conf  but instead with an own file at  /etc/limits.d/censhare-limits.conf

  • [Chg] Added requirement for the `patch` command.


Release Date: 27th February 2019


  • Dependency to Oracle JDK has been moved to censhare-Server and censhare-Service-Client packages. Also JAVA_HOME setup for user corpus has been removed. This change was necessary to get the Java dependency to the actual censhare-Server version package.


For all censhare-Server/Service-Client <2019.2 you need still need to additionally install the Oracle JDK package manually.


Release Date: 14th May 2018


  • The RPM is now relocatable. Please note to only use relocate with other RPMs that support this feature as well.

  • User and Group for installation base can be changed. Please note to only use this with other RPMs that support this feature as well

  • Added verification scripts. Following command will check if the package has been installed correctly

    rpm -V censhare-Common


How to use relocate and different user/group is described in the RPM installation article.


Release Date: 29th March 2018


  • Dependency to "systemd" was removed to maintain compatibility with older Linux distribution

  • rccss was updated to 2.0.8, contains a bugfix to disable services

  • Easter egg since it's Easter!


Release Date: 15th March 2018


  • Dependency to "jdk" was changed to "jdk1.8" because of a naming change by the Oracle JDK RPM.

  • Dependency added to systemd. This is for preparation of future release that should support systemd service on Linux. A preset file 99-censhare.preset to enable service with censhare.* by vendor is added as well.

    enable censhare.* 

  • On initial package installation, a default CSS_ID will be attended to the user profile

    CSS_ID=master; export CSS_ID 


With this update also jdk1.8 should be updated and always for jdk updates censhare-Server and censhare-Service-Client should be restarted. Oracle JDK should be downloaded from them directly and installed manually via the RPM jdk-8u<latest>-linux-x64.rpm from

If the administrator wants to disable a preset file supplied by the vendor, the recommended way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in /etc/systemd/system-preset/ bearing the same filename.

ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system-preset/99-censhare.preset

If Dependency changed, it's a good idea to cleanup packages that are not needed by a dependency anymore, you can use package-cleanup to show all these packages

package-cleanup --leaves --all

And then they can be considered for removal with yum remove


Release Date: 26th June 2017


  • rccss updated to 2.0.7



Release: 5th August 2020


  • Dependency to LibreOffice replaced with dependency to libreoffice-online

  • The systemd services has been removed, since it's now served via the libreoffce-online packages as loolwsd service.


This package office service is not compatible anymore with censhare < 2019.3
The services will be removed and instead by the dependent package libreoffice-online a new service loolwsd (LibreOfficeOnLine WebSocketDaemon) is available. Further information on the new services can be found here.
To remove old dependency package like older LibreOffce, you can use yum autoremove command for example:

yum autoremove


Release: 20th September 2019


  • Dependency on `/bin/netstat` has been changed to `net-tools`. This is needed for RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 compatibility

  • Dependency on LibreOffice was update from 6.1 to 6.2 - please restart the office server after the update in order to switch it to 6.2


Release: 29th November 2018


  • Updated dependency to LibreOffice from 5.4 to 6.1


Release: 3rd April 2018


  • Added transition to systemd service


For further information on how do handle systemd services, please see this article.



  • Dependency to LibreOffice updated to Version 5.4


If Dependency changed, it's a good idea to cleanup packages that are not needed by a dependency anymore, you can use package-cleanup to show all these packages

package-cleanup --leaves --all

And then they can be considered for removal with yum remove.


Release: 29th August 2017


  • Dependency to LibreOffice updated to Version 5.3

  • Dependency added for censhare-ghostscript


If Dependency changed, it's a good idea to cleanup packages that are not needed by a dependency anymore, you can use package-cleanup to show all these packages

package-cleanup --leaves --all
And then they can be considered for removal with yum remove

censhare Server

Since 2018.3.7, 2019.1.3, 2019.2.3, 2019.3.0

  • [Fix] Added `export CSS_ID` to .bash_profile

Since 2019.2.1, 2019.3.0

  • Source CSS_ID from /etc/sysconfig/censhare

  • Improved handling for .bash_profile

Since 2018.2.6, 2018.3.6, 2019.1.1

  • Dependency to jdk1.8 added and add JAVA_HOME block to .bash_profile (removed from 2019.2 again)

  • [FIX] Package would stop Service-Client for update instead of censhare-Server.

  • Source CSS_ID from /etc/sysconfig/censhare

Since 2019.2.0

  • Dependency added to `java-11-devel`. For RedHat7-Based OSes, this resolves to OpenJDK-11-devel and includes the `javac`. If you're running on a different distribution and want to use a different JDK11, you can install it manually and ignore dependencies on package installation.

Since 2018.3.0

  • The RPM is now relocatable. Please note to only use relocate with other RPMs that support this feature as well.

  • User and Group for installation base can be changed. Please note to only use this with other RPMs that support this feature as well

Since 2018.2.0

The startup scripts will transition from init.d to systemd.

Since 2017.5.3, 2017.4.6, 2017.3.9, 5.8.17

Removed Dependency to censhare-ImageTools since you don't need them, but still can install them optionally if needed.

Since 2018.3.0, 2018.2.1, 2018.1.5, 2017.5.10, 2017.4.10, 2017.3.17, 2017.2.12, 2017.1.10, 5.8.19

FIX: On uninstall and update following files won't be deleted and can cause trouble ("BUILD FAILED" e.g. after using bin/ jar), when patching a system. From the mentioned censhare-Server version onward, these files will be deleted as well in updates and uninstall.


censhare Service Client

Since 2019.3.5, 2020.1.4, 2020.2.1, 2020.3.0

  • The dependency to censhare-ImageTools has beend pinned to version 2.x, since this version includes requirement for libreoffice-online and old office scripts are not longer working.

Since 2017.3.20, 2017.4.14, 2017.5.14, 2018.1.6, 2018.2.8, 2018.3.9, 2019.1.4, 2019.2.9

  • The dependency to censhare-ImageTools has been pinned to version 1.x since 2.x requires libreoffice-online which is only compatible with 2019.3 and later.

Since 2017.3.20, 2017.4.13, 2017.5.14, 2018.1.6, 2018.2.7, 2018.3.7, 2019.1.3

  • Fix startup script to work now without JAVA_HOME as well.

Since 2018.2.6, 2018.3.6, 2019.1.1

  • Dependency to jdk1.8 added and add JAVA_HOME block to .bash_profile (removed from 2019.2 again)

Since 2019.2.0

  • Dependency added to `java-11-devel`. For RedHat7-based OS, this resolves to OpenJDK-11-devel and includes the `javac`. If you're running on a different distribution and want to use a different JDK11, you can install it manually and ignore dependencies on package installation.

Since 2018.3.0

  • The RPM is now relocatable. Please note to only use relocate with other RPMs that support this feature as well.

  • User and Group for installation base can be changed. Please note to only use this with other RPMs that support this feature as well.

Since 2018.2.0

The startup scripts will transition from init.d to systemd.

Since 2017.5.0, 2017.4.0, 2017.3.4, 2017.2.7, 2017.1.7, 5.8.14

Removed as the script in service-client/ setup improves.

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