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RPM troubleshooting

Is censhare installed via RPM and which version?

# rpm -q censhare-Server


Can I verify if files have been changed after the RPM has been installed?

You can verify an RPM installation if any files have been modified after the original RPM has been installed.

# rpm -V censhare-Server

Where can I find installation/uninstallation log files?

Such log files will be written to the directory /instlog/ and deleted after 60 days.

Is it possible to downgrade?

RPM supports downgrading, but please keep in mind that this will not downgrade your Database Schema. So if there were any changes to the Database Schema, you need to restore the database from a backup. Just run the yum command with the desired version you want to downgrade to.

yum downgrade censhare-Server-2017.3.1

Is it possible to automatically install bugfix updates?

Yes, this is possible with yum-cron, but please keep in my mind that we can't give you any guarantee here and you should always have a backup ready in order to restore, if anything went wrong. If you automatically want JDK to be upgraded, keep in mind to make a post-action in order to restart censhare-Server after a JDK update.

# yum install yum-cron yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions

How do I update the OS packages or censhare packages separately?

censhare only: 
yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="censhare-Server,censhare-3rdparty" update
OS only: 
yum --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="rhel-7-server-rpms" update

If I update all my censhare-Servers, including Remote-Servers, will they all try to update the Database Schema?

No, the script will only try to update a database schema, if it runs from the Server that has the master role, which can be only one server.

Known Issues

1. File conflict when updating to censhare-ImageMagick-6.9.8-10


When using yum update , the following error message appears:

file /opt/corpus/tools/dcraw/dcraw from install of censhare-ImageMagick-6.9.8-10.x86_64 conflicts with file from package censhare-dcraw-9.07-1.442.x86_64 


The files from dcraw have been moved into the package censhare-ImageMagick, therefore the old installed packages dcraw conflicts with the new installed package for ImageMagick.


In order to resolve the issue, you need first to update censhare-ImageTools as the dependency on dcraw has been removed here, then you can remove dcraw, and then you can update ImageMagick. You have to do this all in one transaction, so you need to use yum shell.

# yum shell
update censhare-ImageTools
remove censhare-dcraw
update censhare-ImageMagick

2. On SLES older version of censhare-ImageTools is installing


When using zypper install censhare-Service-Client , the following error message appears:

Additional rpm output:warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/censhare-3rdparty/censhare-ImageTools-1.1-0.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 6cae093c: NOKEYwarning: %post(censhare-ImageTools-1.1-0.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 6


In order to resolve the issue, you need first to install " libSM6 and libgomp1". 

zypper install libSM6 libgomp1

3. Old exiftool was not following naming conventions, so the new version 11.11 can't update


After updating two versions of exiftool are installed.

rpm -q censhare-exiftool

rpm -q censhare-Image-ExifTool


If you remove the old exiftool version, it will also remove a link to the current version, therefore after removing old exiftool, you should run reinstall on the new exiftool.

yum remove censhare-exiftool && yum reinstall censhare-Image-ExifTool

4. After Updating to a JDK11 version, keytool is missing


After updating from a version <2019.2 to >=2019.2 also a new JDK version 11 will be installed, after that `keytool` is not anymore in PATH.


Run the following command as root.

alternatives --auto java
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