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Ruling out changes to the workspace structure

By deactivating assets you can exclude any changes that have been made to the standard workspace structure as causes of errors.


If a user has a workspace configuration that is causing problems, there are certain changes to the standard workspace structure that may be causing them:

  • user changes to her workspace

  • workspace template changes

  • resource replace variant changes

To find out which of these is the cause, we recommend a systematic process. When doing this, the individual elements will be hidden step-by-step from the configuration. Start at the top and move down: first the user changes, then the workspace template and finally the resource replace variants. This process corresponds to the reverse order in which censhare generates the internal model for the workspace structure.

Ruling out user workspaces

There are two options for ruling out the user workspace as the cause:

  • Resetting user workspaces

  • Creating a duplicate and deleting the user workspace

Resetting user workspaces

This action has the advantage that the user can carry it out and it's very easy.On the other hand, the user's changes are lost. This can be a real disadvantage to this procedure if major changes were made.

Creating a duplicate and deleting the user workspace

With a duplicate of the user workspace as a backup, all changes made by a user remain in their workspace. If these are not the problem, you can use the copy to restore the changes. This process is more time-consuming than resetting the workspace, however.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Search for the user workspace.

  2. Use the "Duplicate" asset action to create a backup of the workspace.

  3. Delete the user workspace.

  4. The user now logs off and on againA new user workspace is created.

  5. Restore the user workspace if the error is not found in the user changes. Give the copy the same name as the previous user workspace. Then delete the new user workspace you just created. Create a relation assignment for the copy with the person asset of the user.

Ruling out workspace templates

Check first whether there is a workspace template for the user's main role. If no template exists with the main user role, then a workspace template is not the cause.

There are two options for ruling out a workspace template as the cause:

  • Deactivate the workspace template

  • Remove the role of the user from the workspace template

Deactivating the workspace template has the advantage that you don't have to change the actual configuration of the template for the roles. Removing the main role of the user from the workspace template means that the user can still work with the template with other roles.

To deactivate the workspace template or change roles, open the template in a page. Make the changes in the "Resource" widget on the "Details" tab of the workspace asset. Edit the widget and remove the check from the "Active" field to deactivate the asset.In the "Role" field, click the "x" behind the desired role to remove it. Later you can add the role again.

Ruling out resource replace variants

You are dealing with two possible situations if you want to rule out a resource replace variant as the cause. There is a replace variant with the main role of the user. The role is saved in the "Replace variant role" feature of the relation. If there is no such replace variant you need to check whether there is one without a role. You can ignore all other replace variants for the workspace asset.

First, search for resource replace variants with the user's main role. To rule these replace variants out you may need to deactivate them. This is the case if the role of the user is the only one for this replace variant. If you remove the role here then the variant applies for all users for whom there is no replace variant with their main role.

Deactivate the replace variant in the "Resource" widget on the "Details" tab of the replace variant asset. Edit the widget and remove the check from the "Active" field. To remove the role go to the "Resource variant from" widget. Select the command "Edit relation metadata" for the associated workspace asset in the list to remove the desired role.

If there is no replace variant with the user role, search for a replace variant without a role and deactivate it. This goes for all other users as well for whom there is no replace variant with a role.

Use the column view  to see whether there are replace variants for a workspace asset or whether roles are defined for them.

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