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Send E-Mail via XSLT

In addition to the conventional method, there is an additional server action in censhare to send e-mails via an XSLT command automatically.

Installation and Configuration


<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

 <xsl:template match="/">
    <cs:command name="com.censhare.api.Mail.SendMail">
       <cs:param name="source">
         <mails account-name="corpus">
            <mail subject="For {asset/@name}" sender-address="" replyto-address="">
             <recipient type="to" address=""/>
                  <content mimetype="text/html" transfer-charset="UTF-8">
                           <xsl:text>Hello world</xsl:text> 



You can install the needed transformation by importing the assets in censhare-Server/install/assets/optional/email-transformation with the Import server action. The transformation represents only a "Hello world!" example and you must edit it accordingly before use. You can enable and configure the module in the censhare Admin Client under Modules|E-Mail|Send E-Mail using XSLT. Here you must select an appropriate mail transformation in the drop-down menu.

Only use one server name in Modules|E-Mail|Send E-Mail using XSLT. Otherwise, as many e-mails are sent as there are active servers.

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