In censhare, you can assign keywords to assets to better search and group assets, or output them to a channel.
Keywords are used to describe the content of objects or to index objects. In censhare, any type of asset can be indexed using keywords. For example, image assets can be indexed according to content, author, or copyright. You can then search for these keywords in censhare.
For example, create a content index with the following terms: work, architecture, car, mountains, office, computer, factory, group, interior, sea, people, landscape, nature, person, rowing, skiing, summer, sports, technology, hiking, winter, etc.
censhare provides three different types of keywords and indexing:
Freetext keywords
Hierarchical keyword tree
Keyword asset
Additional keyword types can be configured for special applications or channels. For example, YouTube or social media keywords. This depends on the configuration of your censhare system.
Keyword index
Users can search for assets by keywords in the Quick search or in the Detailed search.
censhare indexes keywords automatically. The keyword index is part of the search index. If the keyword search does not show the expected results, please contact an administrator and ask them to adjust the corresponding index.
Keyword types
Freetext keywords
Freetext keywords can be freely entered in the respective text field in the Keywords widget. censhare stores the text as a string in the asset properties. All users with the permission to edit asset properties can enter their own keywords.
The advantage of this type is that no further configuration of your system is necessary. The keyword index grows by itself over time as users index assets.
The disadvantage of freetext keywords is that they are not uniform in spelling and description accuracy. When you search by keywords, you must know the exact name of a keyword. For example, if users enter synonym keywords such as "asset-feature", "asset-properties" and "asset-data", it can become difficult to find assets by keyword.
Consider to use Keyword assets and create a hierarchical keyword list. This is the recommended way to use keywords in censhare.
Static keyword lists
A static keyword list contains hierarchical keywords that you can select if you click in the respective keyword field. Static keyword lists are stored in the master data of your censhare system. As a user, you cannot add new keywords. If you need a new keyword in a static keyword list, contact an administrator.
Static keyword lists are built hierarchically with one root element. For example:
To assign a keyword to an asset, you always select the complete path (except for the root element). For example, to add the keyword Winter, you select the path Nature / Seasons / Winter.
The detailed search displays all subpaths for selection. Here you can search for directly linked assets, for example by selecting the sub-path Nature/ Seasons. The search then returns all assets with the keyword Seasons, but not assets with the keyword Winter.
To also find this asset, select the sub-path with a placeholder in the detailed search: Nature / Seasons/ *. Now the search also returns all assets that have either the keyword Seasons or the keyword Winter as well as further assets with the keywords "Spring", "Summer" or "Autumn", provided these paths are created in the hierarchical keyword list and there are matching assets.
Keywords that you add to an asset can be represented as a path. For example, if you add the keyword flower to an asset, this keyword can be represented as media.images.objects.nature.flower.
Keyword assets
Keyword assets combine the advantages of freetext keywords and keyword lists. Each keyword is represented as an asset (asset type: Module / Keyword). Keyword assets can be organized as hierarchical asset structures. Other than with static keyword lists, multiple root elements are possible.
Like any asset, keyword assets can have a domain. You can localize them in different languages, and specify other asset details.
The example below shows the same list as in the Static keyword lists section, this time created as hierarchical keyword asset structure:
Parent and child keywords are related with the Keyword hierarchy asset relation. You can change the Keyword hierarchy by removing and creating a Keyword hierarchy relation in the Keywords table, or on a Keyword asset page, in the Keyword hierarchy widget. In both cases, click and in the dialog, select Add child keyword(s) to the hierarchy and then select or create the desired keyword.
To assign a keyword to an asset, click in the respective field in the Keywords widget and select the desired keyword from the hierarchical list. censhare creates a reference from the asset, that you want to tag, to the keyword asset.
Add and manage keywords
The Keywords widget (all keyword types)
In censhare Web, the Keywords widget is available on asset pages in the Details tab. In the widget, you can edit all types of keywords:
Free text
Enter Freetext keywords.
Select a keyword from the hierarchical keyword tree.
Select an asset-based keyword.
To add and assign a new Keyword, do the following:
Open the asset to which you want to assign a new keyword in an asset page.
Go to the Details tab, and in the Keywords widget, click .
In the dialog, do one of the following:
In the Free text field, enter a freetext keyword in the text field.
In the Hierarchy field, select a static keyword from the hierarchical value list. Optionally, select a language.
In the Reference field, select a Keyword asset. Optionally, enter a relevance value (percentage) for the keyword. The relevance influences the search by keyword.
To create and assign a new keyword asset, enter a name in the Add new keyword fieldand click CREATE NEW KEYWORD.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Click SAVE to save your changes.
The Keywords table of the Media page (only keyword assets)
In the standard workspace of censhare Dedicated solutions, the Keyword tab of the Media page shows a hierarchical table of keyword assets. The table is designed specifically to work with keyword assets. Other keyword types are not shown. In the table, you can add new keywords, assign a keyword to an asset, and manage the structure of your keywords.
To assign a keyword to an asset, do the following:
Move the cursor to the keyword that you want to assign, and click .
In the dialog select Tag asset(s) with keyword, and click OK.
In the Asset chooser dialog, search and select the desired asset, and click OK again.
To add a new keyword, do the following:
In the table toolbar, click .
In the dialog, enter a name. The domain and resource key fields are filled in automatically.
Click OK to save the new keyword. The keyword is shown on the top level of the keyword table.
To move the keyword further down in the hierarchy, drag and drop the keyword to the desired parent keyword.
In the dialog, select Add child keyword(s) to the hierarchy and click OK.
With keywords, you can search for assets in the Quick search as well as in the Detailed search.
To search for assets using keywords, censhare creates an index for the various types. In the case of hierarchical keyword trees and structures, the subsequent keyword paths are also searched and the corresponding assets displayed.
To search assets by keyword in the Quick search, the keyword index must be added to the Quick search index. If the keyword search in the Quick search does not show any results, contact an administrator.
In the Detailed search, the keyword search is available in the Advanced tab. There, the Keywords area displays dedicated search fields for each keyword type:
You can search assets by keywords that are nested in a keyword hierarchy, not only by directly assigned keywords (Quick search and Detailed search). For example, if you search for the keyword Sports, censhare will find assets with this keyword as well as assets with the keywords Rowing and Skiing.
Note: For the hierarchical keyword search, the corresponding function must be enabled in the system. If the Keyword reference field does not show keywords in hierarchical order, contact an administrator.
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