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Update Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server (Windows)

Refers to Adobe Creative Cloud 32 or 64 bit InDesign or InCopy CC (v9.x.x) on Windows with censhare


In general, both 32 and 64-bit versions of InDesign or InCopy CC are installed in parallel. Adobe is using the same Windows CLSID for 32 and 64-bit versions of InDesignCC. Same for InCopyCC. According to Microsoft CLSID is a globally unique identifier. As a result of using the same CLSID for both 32 and 64 bit, operating system native requests from the censhare client into the windows registry show an unattractive behavior. It is only possible to use one of both - 32 or 64 bit. Tests state the first installed bit version of InDesignCC or InCopyCC works with censhare, but not the second installed one. Resulting problems on update and their solution are also described here.

Important hints

Analyzed to the best of knowledge the following description is without engagement. As the behavior of 32 and 64 bit InDesign or InCopy CC with censhare may be confusing, please read the following hints mindfully. Precondition: InDesign/InCopy 32 or 64 bit needs the appropriate 32 or 64-bit version of the censhare plugin installed.

Tip:  If you update Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server to a new version, this must be supported by the installed censhare Server and the censhare XMLCommand plug-in.

Scenarios and results

  • Case 1: If you use "Adobe creative cloud" to install your InDesign or InCopy, both (32 and 64 bit) versions will be installed. Apparently, at first, the 32-bit version is installed, and second the 64-bit version of InDesign/InCopy. In this case, only 32 bit works with censhare, 64 bit not. Uninstalling 32 bit InDesign/InCopy allows to use 64 bit InDesign/InCopy.

  • Case 2: If you have single enterprise installation packages for InDesign/InCopy, you are able to install the single (32 or 64 bit) versions. Here it also depends on the installation order: The first one installed will work with censhare, the second one only after uninstalling the first one. So if you first install 64 bit InDesign or InCopy and 32 bit afterwards, this will result in 64 bit to work with censhare and 32 bit will not work, as long as 64 bit is not uninstalled.

So altogether it seems to be dependent on the installation order. The described behavior is assumed to be caused by Adobe using the same Windows CLSID's for both 32 and 64-bit versions. The tests have been performed on Windows7. We cannot exclude a different behavior in other Windows environments.

InDesign/InCopy CC update problems in Creative Cloud

As a result of uninstalling the 64-bit version of InDesign or InCopy, older Creative Clouds (the managing tool) have the problem not to be able to update InDesign or InCopy anymore, because one of both executables is missing.

  • The easiest way to be able to update again is to uninstall the Creative Cloud (managing tool) and as seen currently install the newest version of it.

  • The complex way is to uninstall your InDesign/InCopy, now reinstall both, then update and afterwards delete the 64-bit version - but the next update should cause the same procedure to be necessary.

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