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Work with Adobe InCopy documents

The Editor for Adobe InCopy documents allows you to create and edit Adobe InCopy texts (ICML format) directly in censhare Web. It does not matter whether they are placed in an InDesign layout or not. You do not need to install Adobe InCopy on your computer to use the Editor for Adobe InCopy documents.


The Editor for Adobe InCopy Documents is integrated into censhare Web. To display the Editor for InCopy Documents, go to the  Editor  tab of the  Text  asset page that contains the Adobe InCopy text.


  • Text  type assets must be available with Adobe InCopy as the assigned application. The text content is available in the Adobe InCopy XML format: ICML. ICML texts are linked to the asset as separate master files with the MIME type  ICML.

  • Note: A local installation of Adobe InCopy is not required.


The Editor for InCopy Documents is a complement to the Editor for InDesign Documents in censhare Web. The Editor for InDesign Documents allows you to edit prepared Adobe InDesign files. With the Editor for InCopy Documents, you can open and edit ICML texts. It does not matter whether they are placed in an Adobe InDesign layout or not.

You can edit and preview text. You can track and view the changes that are made to the original text. Changes are tracked separately for every user. You can switch between the individual changes and either accept or decline them.

The Editor for InCopy Documents displays the text in the styles that have been assigned to it in Adobe InCopy. All paragraph and character styles defined in an ICML text are available for selection. However, you cannot edit the style sheets themselves in the Editor for InCopy Documents. A text-only mode is available that hides the paragraph and character styles.

The Editor for Adobe InCopy Documents with the editor (1) and preview window (2): The editor window has a toolbar (8) and a text field (7) that displays the text section(s) (6) of the text asset. The preview window also has a toolbar (3) and shows a preview (4) if the text sections are placed in an Adobe InDesign document. Move the window divider (5) to the left or right to adjust the size of the window.

Key tasks in the editor

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