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Work with the Content Editor

Create and open articles

To start to edit your content, open an article or create a new article in censhare Web. Typically, an existing article is assigned to you for editing.

Create and open articles

Display article content

The Content editor widget displays the structure and content of your article. Create, structure and edit your content directly in this widget. 

Get familiar with the interface

Organize content

Your document has a predefined XML structure that specifies which content elements the document contains and in which position and order the content elements can be placed.

Organize content with elements

Edit text

Copy & paste, find & replace, apply inline styles.

Edit text

Insert special elements

  • Insert links - link to other documents, inside the same document, or to URLs
  • Insert & style tables
  • Insert and style graphics

Verify content

The Content editor supports you in verifying text content and element structure:

  • Integrated  spell-check   functionality
  • Validate XML structure   - on-the-fly validation check and indication
  • The  Acrolinx widget  provides rule-based checks of your content for spelling, grammar, style, tone, and terminology. You need an Acrolinx license to be able to use this feature. Acrolinx integration is available in censhare as of 2019.3.

Preview content

You can preview your document immediately after editing. Save the Article asset to update the preview. You can preview the article in the Preview widget or in a separate page in your web browser. Previews need to be configured beforehand. Your administrator takes care of this. Previews are provided for different output channels and for different languages.

  • HTML (generic)

  • PDF (via XSL-FO)

  • Print (via Adobe InDesign Server)

  • Web (via Online Channel)

Manage publication workflows of your content

Get an overview of the whole lifecycle of your content themes. Monitor the workflow steps of all the articles or related media of your publication.

Manage publication cycles on a Kanban board in censhare Web

Configure the Content editor widget

Configure further widget settings for the Content editor. For example, the XML view. Click the Options menu  

  of the Content editor widget to access the configuration.

Set properties for content and article

Besides creating the actual content, you can set properties in the article asset that specify details such as the publication status, output channels, or usage rights of your content.

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