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XML Editor - Date widget

The Date widget makes date and time input easier and faster.


The Date widget allows users to enter date and time in habitual format. By default, the format is determined by operational system local properties (local format). But it could be customized to any format (custom format).

To enter different types of date and time, please use appropriate type of the Date Widget:



Has dialog version

Auto completion

Formats accepted


To enter date without time



  • Custom format

  • Local format


To enter timestamp. The widget consist of 2 fields – date and time. The date and time will be validated only if both are filled.



  • Custom format

  • Local format


To enter time without date



  • Custom format

  • Local format


To enter day of month



Day in range [0, 31]


To enter month



Month in range [1, 12]


To enter year



  • 2-digit year

  • 4-digit year


To enter month and day



  • Month/day


To enter year and month



Year/Month, year could be 2 of 4-digit

* If only day and month were entered the date will be auto-completed by current year.
** Dialog version allows to modify a timestamp only with a dialog and always consists of one field.
*** If only hours were entered the time will be auto-completed by 0 minutes.

Developer documentation

Use the following code to create a Date Widget field and specify the type in "type" attribute:

<xe:date type="date"/>

Use "display-date-format" and "display-time-format" to customize input format for Date Widget. Display-date-format and display-time-format are specified by date and time pattern strings.
See java.text.SimpleDateFormat to know more about patterns accepted.

Examples of Date Widgets definition

<!--Date field-->
<xe:date label="Date" source="date" type="date" display-date-format="d.M.yyyy"  width="40mm"/>
<!--Date-time field-->
<xe:date label="Timestamp" type="date-time" source="date-time" widget-type="editfield" display-date-format="MM.yyyy" display-time-format="HH:mm"/>
<!--Time field-->
<xe:date label="Time" type="time" source="time" display-time-format="HH:mm:ss" width="40mm"/>
<!--Date and time dialog field-->
<xe:date label="Date and time"  type="date-time" source="date-time-cal" display-date-format="MM.yyyy HH:mm" width="40mm"/>
<!--Date dialog field-->
<xe:date label="Date dialog" source="date-cal" type="date" widget-type="calendar" display-date-format="MM.yyyy HH:mm" width="40mm"/>
<!--Year-Month field-->
<xe:date label="Year/Month" source="year-month" type="year-month" width="40mm"/>
<!--Month-Day field-->
<xe:date label="Month-day" source="month-day" type="month-day" width="40mm" />
<!--Day field-->
<xe:date label="Day" source="day" type="day" width="40mm" />
<!--Month field-->
<xe:date label="Month" source="month" type="month" width="40mm" />
<!--Year field-->
<xe:date label="Year" source="year" type="year" width="40mm" />
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