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XML Editor - Tab widget

Tabs are made available as a widget. The implementation of "xe: tabs" is similar to the features of "xe: popupmenu".


A "source" attribute specifies which tab is active. An "options" element lets you define the tab content.


<xe:tabs source="$temp@tabid">
  <xe:tab title="General" id="1" visible="=:expression">
  <xe:tab title="Advanced" id="2" visible="=:expression">


The following long code snippet is taken from the upcoming tracker implementation with censhare 4.5.

<xe:tabs id="default-tracker-metadata-tab" weight-x="1.0" weight-y="1.0" source="$temp@selected-tab">
         <xe:tab id="default-tracker-tab" title="General">
           <xe:group align="down">
      	   <!-- include default dialogs -->
				<xe:include key="dialog-asset-edit-general"/>
        <!-- include standard asset edit dialog parts into the advanced tabs -->
        <xe:tab id="general-tab" title="Advanced" visible="=:contains($system/system/role/@role, 'internal')">
        	<xe:group align="down">
            <xe:include key="dialog-asset-edit-preview"/>
        <xe:tab id="features-tab" title="Features" visible="=:contains($system/system/role/@role, 'internal')">
        	<xe:group align="down">
            <xe:include key="dialog-asset-edit-features"/>
        <xe:tab id="flags-tab" title="Flags" visible="=:contains($system/system/role/@role, 'internal')">
        	<xe:group align="down">
            <xe:include key="dialog-asset-edit-flags"/>

Tabs in dialogs ensure a clean appearance.

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