Define binding and print sheet settings in a censhare Web flatplan.
You have created a flatplan in the flatplan editor of an Issue asset in censhare Web.
In a censhare Web flatplan, you can define binding options and plan the placement of the printing sheets. When you plan a document on a flatplan, it is important to decide how the finished document is bound early in the design process. The binding method that you select can influence how you arrange pages on your flatplan. For example, in a saddle-stitched booklet, the page count must be a multiple of four and evenly divided in the first and second half of the document. The type of binding that you select also affects the way that pages are arranged on printing sheets during the printing process. censhare Web provides binding and printing sheet options to help you visualize your document and optimize production.
Binding options
Binding options are located in the Sheets area of the flatplan editor.
censhare Web does not verify if the page count or placement of pages on your flatplan is optimal for the binding type that you select.
Select this option to indicate that no binding preference is defined for the document.
Saddle stitch:
Select this option to indicate that a saddle-stitched binding is planned for the document. Saddle-stitched bindings are usually used for booklets with a smaller page count. For example, a catalog with less than 48 pages, printed on an average-weight paper. In this binding method, pages are folded, nested, and stapled together along a fold line. The distribution of pages is symmetrical on either side of the centrefold. Each folded sheet forms four pages in the finished booklet.
The page count for a saddle-stitched document must be a multiple of four. The minimum number of pages is eight. Pages that are intentionally left blank are included in the page count.
Example layout for an eight-page saddle-stitched binding.
Perfect bind:
Select this option to indicate that a perfect binding is planned for the document. Perfect bindings are usually used for documents with a larger page count and when a printed spine is required. For example, a catalog with 240 pages and a printed spine. In this binding method, pages are stacked sequentially and glued along one side with a strong, flexible adhesive. The cover wraps around the glued side. The cover spread is often printed separately from the interior pages.
Example layout for an eight-page perfect binding.
Perfect bindings are recommended for longer documents. This diagram illustrates only how pages are arranged and stacked for a sample perfect binding.
Printing sheets
To increase the efficiency of large print jobs, your printer can print multiple pages of your document on large printing sheets. These large sheets of paper are called printing sheets or signatures. The use of printing sheets speeds up the printing and binding process and reduces paper waste. Based on the dimensions of the pages in your document and the printing machine, one large printing sheet can hold 8, 16, or 32 pages. Once printed, each printing sheet is folded and either stacked or nested to achieve the correct page order for your document. After the document is assembled and the selected binding option is applied, the outer folds of the printing sheets are trimmed.
The binding type that you select determines how the printer distributes the pages of your document on the printing sheets. This distribution process is called imposition. Imposition does not change the sequence of pages on your flatplan or affect your InDesign layouts.
The pages on your flatplan always remain in the order that the reader sees. You do not need to shuffle or rotate pages on the flatplan. Your printer imposes the pages on the printing sheets as part of the print stream.
Layout for a 16-page imposition
Add sheets
If you define printing sheets for your flatplan, the number of pages in your document must be a multiple of four. The multiple of four requirements ensures that pages can be imposed on the printing sheet to fold efficiently. The folding and assembly of your document are usually automated. When the printing sheet is folded, an uneven number of pages can cause incorrectly placed blank pages in the document. To achieve the necessary page count, add or append blank pages to your flatplan as needed.
Note: Each side of a page in your document is counted as one page on the flatplan. Blank pages are included in the page count.
Opens anAdd sheetdialog to add the first printing sheet to your plan.
Opens anAdd sheetdialog to add an additional printing sheet to the plan.
To define printing sheets for your flatplan, click the
icon in the planning and management tools area of the flatplan editor.
In the sheets area, click
. TheAdd sheetdialog opens.
In theGeneralarea of the dialog, enter a name for the printing sheet. If desired, enter a description, select a color, and assign a deadline for the sheet.
In theNumber of pagesarea, enter the number of pages that are printed on the sheet. The total number of pages must divide evenly onto the total number of sheets that you add.
In the first halffield, enter the number of pages on the sheet that are located in the first half of the document. If you plan to saddle stitch the document, pages must be divided equally in the first and second half.
To define more sheets, click
next to theBindingfield.
As you add sheets, censhare Web verifies the number of printing sheets to the page count of the entire document. If there is a discrepancy, a warning message with page count information is displayed. When the correct number of sheets is defined, a confirmation message displays.
Note: censhare Web only verifies the number of pages in the document to the number of printing sheets that are defined. censhare does not verify if the placement of printing sheets on the flatplan is optimal.
View sheets
Sheets area of the flatplan shows information about the printing sheets that are defined for the selected flatplan. The header section of this area shows the name of the Issue asset, total number of pages in the flatplan, and number of pages that are assigned to sheets.
Shows the row number of the sheets table.
Shows the name of the sheet.
All pages
Shows the total number of pages that are printed on the sheet.
Shows the number of pages on the sheet that are printed in each half of the document. If all pages on the sheet are printed in the first half pages, the sheet has only one entry in the Pages column.
Shows the date and time when all work on pages that are included on the sheet must be finished. For example, when the cover spread must be ready for print or final versions of images placed.
Shows additional information about the sheet.
Edit sheets
You can edit, move, and remove the printing sheets on your flatplan.
Opens anEdit sheetdialog for the selected sheet. In this dialog you can edit general information, the total number of pages, and the division of pages in the first half.
After a confirmation request, removes the selected sheet.
Moves the selected sheet up in the order of defined sheets.
Moves the selected sheet down in the order of defined sheets.
To view a list of all printing sheets, click
in the planning and management tools area of the flatplan editor. The Sheets area displays.
In the Sheets area, click the desired printing sheet to display the editing tools.
To edit, remove, or move the selected sheet, select the icon of the desired tool.
Inserts can only be placed between printing sheets. Add or arrange your printing sheets as needed to achieve the desired placement for your inserts. For more information, see Flatplan - Ads, inserts, coupons, and stickers (tbd).
You can define binding options and printing sheets on a flatplan.
Next steps
Select a binding option and define the printing sheets for your project on a flatplan.
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