censhare Web monitoring and configuration
Access to monitoring options and widget configuration in censhare Web.
Users need admin permissions.
Administrative functions like system performance tests and widget configurations are only available to administrators in censhare Web. With the respective permissions, admin users must switch to the developer mode to access the additional features and actions.
Switch to developer mode
To work in developer mode:
Click the User menu icon on the Top navigation.
Select About censhare Web.
Hold the ALT key and click CLOSE in the dialog window.
Development tools
The Development tools menu provides some tests that give you an overview of your system and network performance as well as some hints about possible bottlenecks. Tests are executed in the domain of the logged-in user.
Show statistics
This dialog shows the server statistics of your system with accumulated data for the following parameters:
Live query execution time
Web socket received data
Web socket sent data
Command execution time
Commands created
To get an overall picture on the system usage and load, first reset the statistics and then open the Show statistics dialog.
Reset statistics
This menu item resets the parameters from the Show statistics dialog. Execute this action to create a "fresh" statistics table.
Server performance test
The server performance test measures the key performance parameters of the censhare server and the file system. Use this test to check the overall performance of your system. To start the test, select Server performance test from the Development tools menu. The test takes a few seconds. During the test, censhare performs standard asset actions with 25 test assets in four threads and calculates the execution time. The results are displayed in a dialog window:
Sequential: starts four consecutive threads of 25 assets each. The next thread starts after the previous thread was processed. The result shows the accumulated time.
Parallel: starts four parallel threads of 25 assets each. The result shows the total processing time.
File: starts four consecutive threads of 25 assets with storage items (asset files) each. The result shows the accumulated time.
This test gives some hints on possible bottlenecks in your system and network. It is not intended for a detailed analysis. The asset creation time in the sequential and parallel tests should be significantly lower than the creation time of assets with storage files. Check-out times, check-in times, query times and deletion times should not differ significantly.
Communication performance test
The communication performance test measures the latency times between the censhare server and the client on which you run the test. Use this test to check the network performance of your censhare instance. To start the test, select Communication performance test from the Development tools menu. The test takes a few seconds. The results are displayed in a dialog window:
Command round trip times: tests the response time of the censhare server with a ping request. The test performs 10 pings.
Command downstream bandwidth: tests the transfer rate between the file system and the client. The test simulates the download of the 10 MB text file created in the upstream test (see below).
Command upstream bandwidth: tests the transfer rate between the client and the file system. The test simulates the upload of a 10 MB text file that consists of random strings.
The command round trip times indicate the latency times of the server. Since only a ping command is sent and received, the network quality does not influence this parameter. The command downstream and upstream bandwidth depends on multiple factors. For example, if you are working with a remote server environment, in a local network or in a cloud installation.
Configure logging
This action is only used for development purposes.
Toggle channel sniffer
For more information, see censhare Web debugging tools.
Development actions
Add widget type
This action opens a dialog with all available widgets. Select a widget, place it in a tab on an asset page. Configure the widget and save the widget configuration to the asset page of a certain asset type or to the list of available assets. This list is available in the Add widget menu to all users. For more information read Widgets in censhare Web (partner login required).
Demo behavior
This action is only used for development purposes.
Edit individual properties
This action allows you to edit the properties of multiple assets at once. Unlike the Edit properties action, fields and values for all selected assets are displayed separately.
Show asset XML
Select this action to show an XML representation of the selected asset. The XML snippet is shown in a dialog window.
Show asset JSON
Select this action to show a JSON representation of the selected asset. The XML snippet is shown in a dialog window. You can apply the following transformations to the JSON:
None: this is the default view. It shows the complete asset JSON representation.
List: this is the list view JSON representation of an asset.
List with relations: this is the list view representation of an asset including its relations.