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Export and import asset via transformation

Export, update or transfer of assets from one to another server requires a transformation in some cases.


If you want to export, update or transfer assets from one to another server, please consider:

  • A normal 'Export/Import' will not work as desired.

  • E.g. some definitions (Advanced/Resource) of the transformation will get lost.

  • Only the server action 'Export Assets/ Import Assets' will work correctly for this kind of asset.


  1. Export: The transformation has to be selected and the server action 'asset export' has to be applied to it to export it correctly. Please check the domain settings within the metadata. In most cases, this should be root (new standard).

  2. Import: To import the transformation correctly you must use the server action 'asset import'.

  3. Update: Simply get the regarding *.censhare-assets file from the new release and import the *.censhare-assets file using the server action 'Import Assets'.

  4. Please check/adapt the domain settings within the metadata and do not forget to delete the old transformation module afterward.

Additional things to know in context with layout export

If you use the server action 'Export Assets' on a selected layout which uses a transformation, the transformation will not be contained within the resulting or export.censhare-assets file.

If you create an assignment between the layout and its transformation and use the server action 'asset export', this only will include the transformation, if you change the setup of the server action. In admin goto configuration/modules/asset export-import/Export Assets and create your own action. In 'follow relations' add a relation of type 'assignment'. Take care: this will export all assigned assets now too - not only placed ones. So an export may get much larger...

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