Export the results of your searches and share them with others. Asset details such as ID, name or version are exported. Export file formats are Microsoft Excel and XML.
Export options
In censhare Web, you can export the results of your searches into XML or Microsoft Excel files or save those results into new assets in your censhare system.
The first two options are implemented by default as a part of the transformation module. Your censhare administrator can customize these transformations or add more options for exporting search results.
Simple Microsoft Excel document
Exports asset ID, asset name, asset type, asset version, deadline, and workflow data into a Microsoft Excel file. The file is downloaded to your local system.
Simple XML
Exports asset ID, asset name, asset type, asset version, deadline, and workflow data into an XML file. The file is downloaded to your local system.
New asset
Saves specified details into a new asset following the applicable configuration.
Export-as-an-asset sample transformation
We offer a sample transformation that your admin can directly use to add and customize this type of export. Please refer to this page for more information. The sample transformation will create a Text/XML asset identical to the aforementioned XML export.
How to export search results
Perform any kind of search. The search results are displayed.
Optionally, refine your search results by using filters or by handpicking assets from the list (CMD/Ctrl + mouse click).
From the
- menu of the Search page, select Export (the top one). A dialogue appears.
Select a transformation.
Optionally, enter a file name instead of the automatically generated one.
No special characters in the file name
In the Name field, do not enter special characters, blanks, or file name extensions. The extension is added automatically. If you enter unsupported characters, the entry field is highlighted in red. In that case, correct the file name to proceed with the export.
Click EXPORT. Depending on the transformation you‘ve selected:
The search results are exported to a file and downloaded to your local system.
A new asset with the search results will be added.
In the second case, a green popup will appear for a short time in the top right corner of the list. Click Open to get to the new asset page.
If you missed the popup, simply go to the Last created tab in the left navigation pane. The new asset will be the first on the list.
Next steps
Browse the downloaded file or share it with other users or externally.
You know how to export the results of your searches into files.
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